Monday, November 30, 2009

Florida - A view of the Gulf

9" x 12"
Arches 140# CP

The only chance we had of taking any photos during our visit was Thanksgiving morning when my sister and I went for a long walk/run -- I walked -- she ran! LOL Like every day we were there, it was grey, rainy and overcast, so all my photos that I plan to use for sketch material need quite a bit of imagination to bring in some sunlight. This scene was taken walking from my mom's apartment to a local park along the Gulf. It rained soon afterwards.

I used a credit card scrapping technique to etch out the rocks and am continuing my experiments with larger brushes. It's been fun!

It's back to work today for two long weeks of winding up the semester and holiday preparations. It'll certainly be busy. But we had a very restive weekend -- much needed and for which we're ever so grateful. We even got a few rhododendrons planted! We're in for some rain this week, but today promises to be sunny and mild.

I hope your day is great!


Lorraine said...

Beautiful scene altogether!!
I especially like what you did with the rocks -- neat technique. Love the grasses, the sky, the trees -- well you get the picture-- gorgeous!

We have your rain today and then it will turn Very cold!
Have a good week.

Cori Lynn Berg said...

Feel like I'm standing on the rocks right by the water.. nice...

Joan said...

Lin - This has that peaceful morning look to it. Lovely job! Glad you got a few photos taken while you were there. Enjoy your day!

Sandy said...

Sooooooooo serene - wish I were there!!