This week has been a roller coaster of temperatures -- days begin in the 30sF and rise to the 60s -- and even though the evenings are so very cold, trees have broken bud, daffodils and crocuses are poking their green leaves through brown, still cold, earth ...
It's been such an intense week, I sketched this from a photo reference because of its cheerful and bright feeling ...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Hanging on by mere adhesive today -- insanely busy -- from drop-in visitors, to students, to paperwork to phone .... I think duck tape would have been more appropriate -- but this is all I had! LOL
Monday, February 26, 2007
With the inordinate amount of traveling I've had to do lately, I was able to purchase one of these little magic machines so I can keep up with email, phone calls, calendar dates, and the rest! I honestly believe they're incredibly magical -- so tiny and yet so powerful -- able to use both internet and phones, office documents like WORD and Powerpoint ...
I KNOW they have saved my life these days simply by keeping the intense amount of work-related correspondence manageable! I simply cannot 'leave home' without it! LOL
I KNOW they have saved my life these days simply by keeping the intense amount of work-related correspondence manageable! I simply cannot 'leave home' without it! LOL
Sunday, February 25, 2007
At the Museum with Sue
After several attempts at a meet-up, Sue from 'Love Italy" ( and I met yesterday at the Museum of Life and Science for a short sketch crawl. IT WAS FABULOUS!! And she's every bit as lovely and wonderful as her artwork!
We had so much to squeeze into a quick three hours -- getting acquainted, a RUN through parts of the museum -- filled with youngsters for the premiere of the new dinosaur exhibit -- sharing various sketch and watercolor methods, supples, techniques, paints, papers, and oh yes, getting in a sketch.
We decided to sit within the balmy confines of the tropical butterfly house -- warm on this chill morning -- and filled with lush vegetation and bright flowers, and the fastest moving butterflies! There were a number of 'wood peacocks' or some bird sort of named that were so shy we could barely catch aglimpse of the pair, let alone a sketch. And for me, even those a beautifuly black, red, and yellow tropical butterfly landed on my knee, by the time I whipped off my reading glasses to focus on the markings, shape and size -- it was off!!! But the warmth of the house, scent and color of the vegetation, the bright dashes of exquisite butterflies, and unusual calls of the tropical birds -- was a moment suspected in utter beauty and relaxation!
We took up residence on the same bench; Sue facing one scene, me facing another. There, after a brief walk around the gardens within the glassed shelter and after admiring all views that would make perfect sketch material, we settled ourselves in. Sue's camera battery was a bit on the low side, and I completely forgot mine, and until I learn how to adjust my wee TREO, that wonderful device didn't render first-quality photos -- but I was able to manage a few shots for a good memories!
We sketched about an hour and a half; the numbers of visitors to the butterfly house increasing as the morning turned toward lunch. One small child was fascinated with Sue's painting, and so Sue, ever generous, let her have a go at her paints!
My garden class (History of the Garden in Art, Literature and History) forced me to leave long before I wanted to. Sue stayed a bit after I left ... but OH, how much fun we had! I don't think there was a moment of silence since we hugged one another at the ticket counter! LOL
We will definitely do more of these!
We had so much to squeeze into a quick three hours -- getting acquainted, a RUN through parts of the museum -- filled with youngsters for the premiere of the new dinosaur exhibit -- sharing various sketch and watercolor methods, supples, techniques, paints, papers, and oh yes, getting in a sketch.
We decided to sit within the balmy confines of the tropical butterfly house -- warm on this chill morning -- and filled with lush vegetation and bright flowers, and the fastest moving butterflies! There were a number of 'wood peacocks' or some bird sort of named that were so shy we could barely catch aglimpse of the pair, let alone a sketch. And for me, even those a beautifuly black, red, and yellow tropical butterfly landed on my knee, by the time I whipped off my reading glasses to focus on the markings, shape and size -- it was off!!! But the warmth of the house, scent and color of the vegetation, the bright dashes of exquisite butterflies, and unusual calls of the tropical birds -- was a moment suspected in utter beauty and relaxation!
We took up residence on the same bench; Sue facing one scene, me facing another. There, after a brief walk around the gardens within the glassed shelter and after admiring all views that would make perfect sketch material, we settled ourselves in. Sue's camera battery was a bit on the low side, and I completely forgot mine, and until I learn how to adjust my wee TREO, that wonderful device didn't render first-quality photos -- but I was able to manage a few shots for a good memories!
We sketched about an hour and a half; the numbers of visitors to the butterfly house increasing as the morning turned toward lunch. One small child was fascinated with Sue's painting, and so Sue, ever generous, let her have a go at her paints!
My garden class (History of the Garden in Art, Literature and History) forced me to leave long before I wanted to. Sue stayed a bit after I left ... but OH, how much fun we had! I don't think there was a moment of silence since we hugged one another at the ticket counter! LOL
We will definitely do more of these!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Another busy whirlwind week for me ... I was out of town for another two-day meeting least the motel room was quiet; but I can see the fatigue getting to me -- I dated my journal page 2006 instead of 2007!!! Yikes ... I hope this trip is the last for a while.
We've had truly blustery, drying winds, and reports of fires all over the state. Temperatures fluctuate from 23F to 75F on a daily basis, and so many folks are sick.
Maybe all my traveling has kept me away from the worst of the viruses affecting so many to look on the bright side!
We've had truly blustery, drying winds, and reports of fires all over the state. Temperatures fluctuate from 23F to 75F on a daily basis, and so many folks are sick.
Maybe all my traveling has kept me away from the worst of the viruses affecting so many to look on the bright side!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
EDM 107 How I Get My News
I get my news each morning from my radio - station WUNC-Chapel Hill and WNPR - National Public radio, stations I listen to and support.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A bit of cheer on a frosty winter morning and a return to an office without heat ... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Monday, February 19, 2007
All the birds at my feeder are all fluffed up against the cold. I sketched this from a photo reference for the chickadee (thanks for the correction!!) that seem to enjoy our mix of sunflower seeds and dried fruit.
I'm going to have to practice birds a bit more ... this chickadee got a bit too elongated for the actual puffball he is. LOL
I'm going to have to practice birds a bit more ... this chickadee got a bit too elongated for the actual puffball he is. LOL
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Mom at the Nail Parlor
Of all my attempts at sketching my mom this week, she said this one 'looked like her.' Well, sort of ...LOL
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Thank YOU
I'm back at home now, catching up with emails, blogs, family, laundry, rest.
Thank YOU for all your kind thoughts, prayers, encouragement during this difficult time. Words seem so insignificant to convey the depth of gratitude I feel for the friendship of those who have sent notes this week ...
Please, please know, how very grateful I am.
Mom is doing much better, and has been progressing well over the week. We'll keep an eye on her, though, and make sure she follows her doctor's advice and new diet vigilantly!
Thank YOU for all your kind thoughts, prayers, encouragement during this difficult time. Words seem so insignificant to convey the depth of gratitude I feel for the friendship of those who have sent notes this week ...
Please, please know, how very grateful I am.
Mom is doing much better, and has been progressing well over the week. We'll keep an eye on her, though, and make sure she follows her doctor's advice and new diet vigilantly!
Gone 16 years yesterday, Mom lights a candle to remember him.
All this week in my errands for Mom, I saw my dad in the Florida landscape -- in the places he loved, for the state's warmth and retirement, in memories created ...
We miss him ...especially today.
All this week in my errands for Mom, I saw my dad in the Florida landscape -- in the places he loved, for the state's warmth and retirement, in memories created ...
We miss him ...especially today.
EDM 106 Sour or Tart
A 'tartish sour' yogurt, part of mom's diet this week, that meets the EDM challenge.
EDM 105 scissors
We were always taught "Never run with scissors" in your hand! Good advice.
I tend to wear out the blades of my scissors since I cut everything from cloth to paper to flower stems with a single pair of scissors -- NOT a good thing to do!
I tend to wear out the blades of my scissors since I cut everything from cloth to paper to flower stems with a single pair of scissors -- NOT a good thing to do!
Rose for Mothers Day
Although Valentine's Day may have been created by the modern media, flowers have always been a gift from my father to my mom on Valentine's Day. With his passing many years ago, this celebrated remembrance has been relegated to us, her children. And so, in keeping with the day, as well as to brighten her spirits, in my errands for her, I picked up a pink rose, something my dad would have done.
She was tickled pink -- her favorite color.
She was tickled pink -- her favorite color.
Mom's Christmas Cacti
Along the windowsill in Mom's living room, are a half dozen Christmas cacti -- all in bloom. Since moving from a house to an apartment, mom has limited space and light for her beloved flowers, but she grows low-light need plants on her large windowsill, and silk flowers grace every room.
Is there any wonder where I get my love of flowers?
Is there any wonder where I get my love of flowers?
As Mom rested during this week of recuperation, we spent most of our time in her living room, pills, water, and graham crackers on the table for easy reach, and the TV on for a bit of noise and mind-rest.
Our family's first dog was a toy poodle we named, Muffin. After he passed, we got another toy poodle we named, Brandy. This ceramic piece graces my mom's kitchen counter, a momento to a beloved pet.
Moms Centerpiece
In her living room, this silk arrangement graces her glass coffee table and represents the colors of her home, as well as the Floridian approach she has used since retiring there more than 15 years ago.
Airport Waiting
Waiting for my plane to visit my ailing Mom, I sketched this woman waiting for the same flight.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Heading Home
I leave for home today ... long trip back. I'm reluctant to leave, but I do know that Mom is well on her way toward healing.
So hard to say good-bye.
So hard to say good-bye.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday Update
Mom continues to improve and today she is going to get her nails done ... her first outing. I'm sure, like our trip to the doctor yesterday, it will tire her ... but this is progress!! YEAH!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Mom - Update
Today we visit the doctor to see about test results. All is going well, but mom tires very easily and needs more rest. She's progressing, but very, very slowly.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I am using the single working computer in the main office area of my mom's complex. I can't post to my blog from my TREO, but I can post updates to my flickr:
So please check there for updates.
Mom is continuing to improve. She tires easily, but is eating, resting a lot, and we'll see the doctor today for updates on her tests.
Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts.
So please check there for updates.
Mom is continuing to improve. She tires easily, but is eating, resting a lot, and we'll see the doctor today for updates on her tests.
Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts.
Friday, February 09, 2007
While everyone is recovering nicely, my mom is still rather weak, and so I will be heading out to Florida tomorrow to be with her upon her release from the hospital and help her regain her strength while she's home.
I'll probably be scarce for a while, but I'll be sketching and will post my work upon my return.
Sketching, drawing, painting this week, though the time wasn't a lot, sure has helped me release a lot of the stress and worry of this insane week. It has also helped me restore some of my calm and perspective and energy ...
Thank you all for your supportive words and prayers ... THAT too has helped enormously ...
Keep sketching!
I'll probably be scarce for a while, but I'll be sketching and will post my work upon my return.
Sketching, drawing, painting this week, though the time wasn't a lot, sure has helped me release a lot of the stress and worry of this insane week. It has also helped me restore some of my calm and perspective and energy ...
Thank you all for your supportive words and prayers ... THAT too has helped enormously ...
Keep sketching!
Rose for Ken
Last night was Ken's viewing ... I painted this in his memory.
Both he and Rebecca loved flowers ... and he was ALWAYS bringing her little bouquet of flowers from her garden ...
Roses mean love is almost every culture ... and so to honor his love for his wife, his family, his God, and our love for him ...
For you, Ken .. may you be at peace.
Both he and Rebecca loved flowers ... and he was ALWAYS bringing her little bouquet of flowers from her garden ...
Roses mean love is almost every culture ... and so to honor his love for his wife, his family, his God, and our love for him ...
For you, Ken .. may you be at peace.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Prayers are being answered, and I cannot tell you the depth of my gratitude.
Mom: Up and walking, though weak. She's feeling MUCH better and feels as though she'll be able to go home and manage things by herself. Firm decision will be made tomorrow.
Granddaughter: Both my daughter and grand got a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP -- and, needless to say, are feeling so so so much better!!! Though T still has a cough, she hasn't had a fever for two days and so my dd is going back to work -- and truly much more rested than she has been in the last three weeks.
Brother-in-Law is sore around the surgery site, but managing to go to work and rest somewhat.
So -- a good report!!!!!
Again, thank you so much!
Tonight is Ken's visitation; the funeral tomorrow. I will feel a bit better after I have seen Rebecca for myself and give her a big hug of comfort (she's used to that from me! LOL) ...
Mom: Up and walking, though weak. She's feeling MUCH better and feels as though she'll be able to go home and manage things by herself. Firm decision will be made tomorrow.
Granddaughter: Both my daughter and grand got a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP -- and, needless to say, are feeling so so so much better!!! Though T still has a cough, she hasn't had a fever for two days and so my dd is going back to work -- and truly much more rested than she has been in the last three weeks.
Brother-in-Law is sore around the surgery site, but managing to go to work and rest somewhat.
So -- a good report!!!!!
Again, thank you so much!
Tonight is Ken's visitation; the funeral tomorrow. I will feel a bit better after I have seen Rebecca for myself and give her a big hug of comfort (she's used to that from me! LOL) ...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
It's been a week ! My workshop went well, but ended after 10:00 pm last night. I can't seem to get enough coffee to open my eyes this morning.
First things first:
It's not the best of weeks for celebrations, unfortunately - but we're planning a bit of 'relaxation' this weekend!
Mom: Improving .... today she gets out of bed and walks. She's taking solid food and sounds stronger each day. She'll be released Friday and we'll determine if she'll need homecare prior to her leaving the hospital.
My granddaughter - Still have a bit of trouble with fever and a cough that won't quit - and she's had yet another visit to the doctor. BUT, both she and my daughter slept through most of the night -- the first time in weeks -- so today everyone is feeling better.
My brother-in-law is feeling better after his surgery -- and has gone in to work. He's been saved from a major heart attack, according to his doctors, and so he'll be on a new diet, new medications, and will be encouraged to change his lifestyle. But all in all - improvement.
And the sad news: Rebecca's husband Ken passed on last night. I spoke to her this morning, and she's doing quite well -- she's in the process of making funeral arrangements. She has a huge extended family, and since Ken ministered to several churches, this is going to be an especially busy and exhausting time for her. We'll probably make the viewing Thursday; I'm not sure about the funeral on Friday ... but everyone is relieved that his suffering is past.
Thank you all for your kindest of prayers, comments, support.
First things first:
It's not the best of weeks for celebrations, unfortunately - but we're planning a bit of 'relaxation' this weekend!
Mom: Improving .... today she gets out of bed and walks. She's taking solid food and sounds stronger each day. She'll be released Friday and we'll determine if she'll need homecare prior to her leaving the hospital.
My granddaughter - Still have a bit of trouble with fever and a cough that won't quit - and she's had yet another visit to the doctor. BUT, both she and my daughter slept through most of the night -- the first time in weeks -- so today everyone is feeling better.
My brother-in-law is feeling better after his surgery -- and has gone in to work. He's been saved from a major heart attack, according to his doctors, and so he'll be on a new diet, new medications, and will be encouraged to change his lifestyle. But all in all - improvement.
And the sad news: Rebecca's husband Ken passed on last night. I spoke to her this morning, and she's doing quite well -- she's in the process of making funeral arrangements. She has a huge extended family, and since Ken ministered to several churches, this is going to be an especially busy and exhausting time for her. We'll probably make the viewing Thursday; I'm not sure about the funeral on Friday ... but everyone is relieved that his suffering is past.
Thank you all for your kindest of prayers, comments, support.
Yesterday morning -- it was 17F degrees!!!!!!!!!!!! FREEZING!!!!! The coldest day we've had this year. BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It is difficult to imagine the challenge I had with painting strawberries -- I must be far more flagged than I'm willing to admit. Anyway, the color, scent and taste cheered me -- as I was lost for a while last night in my painting frustrations, relegating family health matters to the back of my mind.
This morning - 9:00 a.m. Update:
Mom - apparently her attack was worse than we thought. She'll be in the hospital UNTIL her infection clears and then the doctors will decide if surgery will be necessary.
Ken - not doing very well and is not expected to continue his battle
My granddaughter - doing better - but still no sleep for anyone
Brother in law - in surgery
To add weight to the woes, my good friend's daughter has become ill adding to the list of folks for whom our hearts surge ...
Tonight is a busy workshop and very late evening ...
This morning - 9:00 a.m. Update:
Mom - apparently her attack was worse than we thought. She'll be in the hospital UNTIL her infection clears and then the doctors will decide if surgery will be necessary.
Ken - not doing very well and is not expected to continue his battle
My granddaughter - doing better - but still no sleep for anyone
Brother in law - in surgery
To add weight to the woes, my good friend's daughter has become ill adding to the list of folks for whom our hearts surge ...
Tonight is a busy workshop and very late evening ...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Medical Update
As of 8:00 pm:
Mom is okay - on hold until tests return, she'll be in the hospital for the next 2-3 days -- but denying any need for us to fly to Florida;
Ken (B&B) no change
My granddaughter - better, slight fever today
My brother-in-law -- okay - stint tomorrow;
my boss -- okay with whatever I need to do to get thru this ... thank heavens.
THANK you all for your good thoughts and prayers ... Seems like we're all 'waiting ...."
Mom is okay - on hold until tests return, she'll be in the hospital for the next 2-3 days -- but denying any need for us to fly to Florida;
Ken (B&B) no change
My granddaughter - better, slight fever today
My brother-in-law -- okay - stint tomorrow;
my boss -- okay with whatever I need to do to get thru this ... thank heavens.
THANK you all for your good thoughts and prayers ... Seems like we're all 'waiting ...."
It May Be Quiet Here
We've had some distressing news last night and today:
* My mom is in the hospital (Florida) with a severe (and newly diagnosed) case of diverticulitis
* Rebecca's husband Ken (from the B&B where I've roomed for almost 4 years) is in the hospital with pneumonia and not expected to recover
* My dd's daughter was at the hospital yesterday with a high fever that wouldn't break -- cold, congestion, ear infection, cough ... on her third round of antibiotics.....
* My brother-in-law goes in to the hospital for a stint placement tomorrow ...
So if I'm scarce ... please keep these loved ones in mind ... thanks!
* My mom is in the hospital (Florida) with a severe (and newly diagnosed) case of diverticulitis
* Rebecca's husband Ken (from the B&B where I've roomed for almost 4 years) is in the hospital with pneumonia and not expected to recover
* My dd's daughter was at the hospital yesterday with a high fever that wouldn't break -- cold, congestion, ear infection, cough ... on her third round of antibiotics.....
* My brother-in-law goes in to the hospital for a stint placement tomorrow ...
So if I'm scarce ... please keep these loved ones in mind ... thanks!
Additional practice in values -- wash and glazes. I wanted to 'fancy them up a bit' but ran out of time ...
Note to Laura -- and thanks for her suggestion to sketch larger -- these are each about the size of my palm -- 4" across -- HUGE for me!! LOL Wish the REAL thing came that large -- I just love their crisp, tart/sweet flavor!
Note to Laura -- and thanks for her suggestion to sketch larger -- these are each about the size of my palm -- 4" across -- HUGE for me!! LOL Wish the REAL thing came that large -- I just love their crisp, tart/sweet flavor!
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Emily blows out the candle with her maternal Grandfather's help.

Emily plays DORA with her cousin Payton.

Emily's favorite color is Pink - especially when it's frosting on her cake!

Nick's teeth are all SWEET! He takes after his Nonna for his love of cookies!

What a party!! Children, adults, food (cook-out), cake, toys .... NOISE! LOL I simply cannot believe she's THREE already!
Deco for Elaine
Here's page one for Elaine's Deco "Childhood Memories." This is probably my favorite image of myself at three - sitting in a chair in the country, surrounded by nature. I remember the 'farmette' my aunt owned in rural Long Island, LONG before that part of New York became so developed and congested. I used to walk among shoulder-high raspberries (even then I was short!! LOL) -- picking and eating them along my adventures.
Elaine's Deco - Page 2
My contrributions to Elaine's Deco. Here theme is "Childhood Memories." Here I am at three on the sidewalks of Brooklyn, New York -- that's me -- the smurf in the middle.
I thought I'd reinforce some lessons I'm practicing about color values and blending.
I've been in such a lemon mood lately -- maybe it's the dry heat and the desire for the tang of lemon -- but whenever I"m asked what I'd like for dinner - it ususally has a lemon base. And I think I could eat veal with lemons and capers every night! (and spend even more time at the gym!!!)
Funny thing, these were so difficult to scan! The scanner must have been picking up all the bits of grey because somehow when I went to correct the coloring to match my image, I couldn't remove the grey at all! I wound up taking a photo and then adjusting that -- but for me, in the middle of the woods, I found it difficult to find ample natural light to render the proper colors.
I've been in such a lemon mood lately -- maybe it's the dry heat and the desire for the tang of lemon -- but whenever I"m asked what I'd like for dinner - it ususally has a lemon base. And I think I could eat veal with lemons and capers every night! (and spend even more time at the gym!!!)
Funny thing, these were so difficult to scan! The scanner must have been picking up all the bits of grey because somehow when I went to correct the coloring to match my image, I couldn't remove the grey at all! I wound up taking a photo and then adjusting that -- but for me, in the middle of the woods, I found it difficult to find ample natural light to render the proper colors.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Artists Day Out

(Images above - Laura's wonderful 8 minute sketch of me -- my attempt at cafe sketching and proportions -- SIGH! and my sketching at the Ackland-Asian gallery)
Laura ( and I finally found a day to get together and do our own mini-sketchcrawl! Ever since we met last spring at the JC Raulston Arboretum for our first sketch date, we have been trying to match our schedules to have another day together. Yesterday -- we finally did it!!!! And oh my -- it was GLORIOUS! and what a gift, not just the day itself, but getting to know better, this most gracious, talented, knowledgeable, generous and kind, sweetest of ladies.
I met Laura at her beautiful home, and together we went to the! Trust me, these are even more grandglorious in person!
I met Laura at her beautiful home, and together we went to the! Trust me, these are even more grandglorious in person!
I wasn't having the best of sketch days, but I focused on some tea bowls (I'm finding I really do love vessels of all kinds), and then, under Laura's inspiration, decided to attempt my second ever figure (my first is here). And while I have MUCH to learn in regard to figures (among MANY other things I'm learning and relearning! LOL), I sort of like this in its wonkiness.
I have to tell you a funny story. As I was standing before this boxed figure, the security guard, thick with what appeared to be a French accent, walked behind me and sort of surreptitiously took note of what I was sketching. Embarrassed at my ineptitude, I joked "It's good practice." Where upon he so nicely says to me, "A camera -- much easier!" I laughed, and he finished, "Same price!" (alluding to admission fee) and I thought I'd lose it!!! LOLOL
Anyway, Laura and I, hungry by then, proceeded to Panzanella's for a fabulous soup and sandwich lunch. Laura sketched the the fellow sitting at the window, and I attemped figures trying my best for proportions ... ah well, more practice time for me!! LOL
Then, my dear friend, encouraging me to sketch LARGER!!!! demonstrated her point by sketching ME -- in under eight minutes -- I swear ...! And yes, it looks like me ... although she was kind to keep the shopping bags OFF my eye bottoms!! (Thank you Laura for this gift -- and for allowing me to share it here!) Isn't it fantastic!!
Buoyed by food and non-stop sharing, art discussions, techniques, family matters, and even a spattering of politics, we headed out for dessert and gelato ... and then it was time to head home before the traffic built to a slow, longer than necessary drive back home.
THANK YOU, Laura -- for a fantastic, fun, inspiring day! My only wish is that these 'art-dates' weren't so far between one and another ....!
I have to tell you a funny story. As I was standing before this boxed figure, the security guard, thick with what appeared to be a French accent, walked behind me and sort of surreptitiously took note of what I was sketching. Embarrassed at my ineptitude, I joked "It's good practice." Where upon he so nicely says to me, "A camera -- much easier!" I laughed, and he finished, "Same price!" (alluding to admission fee) and I thought I'd lose it!!! LOLOL
Anyway, Laura and I, hungry by then, proceeded to Panzanella's for a fabulous soup and sandwich lunch. Laura sketched the the fellow sitting at the window, and I attemped figures trying my best for proportions ... ah well, more practice time for me!! LOL
Then, my dear friend, encouraging me to sketch LARGER!!!! demonstrated her point by sketching ME -- in under eight minutes -- I swear ...! And yes, it looks like me ... although she was kind to keep the shopping bags OFF my eye bottoms!! (Thank you Laura for this gift -- and for allowing me to share it here!) Isn't it fantastic!!
Buoyed by food and non-stop sharing, art discussions, techniques, family matters, and even a spattering of politics, we headed out for dessert and gelato ... and then it was time to head home before the traffic built to a slow, longer than necessary drive back home.
THANK YOU, Laura -- for a fantastic, fun, inspiring day! My only wish is that these 'art-dates' weren't so far between one and another ....!
(I didn't add color to these - just not enough time in a day!)
Friday, February 02, 2007
A New Lesson
I spent an entire day and evening working on stretching my drawing skills ... attempting a grid, enlarging a scene and getting building angles correct!
Well, after all that you'd think that my 5'1" frame is now closer to six feet !!! NAH, still can't reach the top of the cupboard .... BUT, I've learned so MUCH in those hours!
* Another reason I love sketching flowers -- they're so forgiving!
* That exactness is admirable .. and using a ruler, my new foe, has its merits and when done well, really really helps a lot!
* That math, fractions, proportions are as important now in sketching as when I tell my students they need to know those skills in order to mix the proper amount of fertilizer!! (oh how this lesson bit me, the teacher!! my students are going to love this! LOL)
* Just how much more PRACTICE I need on buildings and perspectives....guestimates just don't work in fine work!
* What often looks so 'easily' done ... those architectural scenes, the house on the hill, the barn, the cluster of hill towns and all those angled rooflines -- is FAR MORE DIFFICULT (at least for me right now) than I could have imagined
* That struggling through such lessons fortifies ones determination to really LEARN a skill, and also gives a student of art, like me, clear direction toward learning even more new skills.
* And just how wonderful a good eraser can be.
Well, after all that you'd think that my 5'1" frame is now closer to six feet !!! NAH, still can't reach the top of the cupboard .... BUT, I've learned so MUCH in those hours!
* Another reason I love sketching flowers -- they're so forgiving!
* That exactness is admirable .. and using a ruler, my new foe, has its merits and when done well, really really helps a lot!
* That math, fractions, proportions are as important now in sketching as when I tell my students they need to know those skills in order to mix the proper amount of fertilizer!! (oh how this lesson bit me, the teacher!! my students are going to love this! LOL)
* Just how much more PRACTICE I need on buildings and perspectives....guestimates just don't work in fine work!
* What often looks so 'easily' done ... those architectural scenes, the house on the hill, the barn, the cluster of hill towns and all those angled rooflines -- is FAR MORE DIFFICULT (at least for me right now) than I could have imagined
* That struggling through such lessons fortifies ones determination to really LEARN a skill, and also gives a student of art, like me, clear direction toward learning even more new skills.
* And just how wonderful a good eraser can be.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
We're expecting a fairly significant snowstorm this morning --- here in North Carolian piedmont, 1"-3" and ice is pretty severe! -- and so I collected our oil lamps in the event we lose power -- a fairly common event in times of storms.
While insuring that their bowls were filled with enough oil, I quickly sketched one for my daily practice.
While insuring that their bowls were filled with enough oil, I quickly sketched one for my daily practice.
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