Final day of the Conference -- It was a good conference, but sitting INSIDE when OUTSIDE was beckoning was mighty difficult!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Maritime forest
The conference is being held in one of the nicest maritimes forests along the NC coast. This tree, the live oak, is an evergreen, yet each spring (not fall) it replaces a good amount of its leaves..thus so much brown mixed with the new and remaining green.
It's my favorite tree!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
These sweet little flowers are blooming along the pergola posts at the Arboretum. I sat on the bricks during lunch yesterday in the bright sunlight to sketch and paint them. It was warm, but the sun felt good.
However, when I brought my work indoors, the colors were HORRIBLE! Somehow working in the sunlight seemed to alter what I saw as I painted --! I redid the sketch and then painted from the shade ... what a difference!
Now I know why folks who do plein air sketch mostly from the shade -- not just to protect themselves from the sun's heat -- but to better see the colors!! Who'd have thought??
However, when I brought my work indoors, the colors were HORRIBLE! Somehow working in the sunlight seemed to alter what I saw as I painted --! I redid the sketch and then painted from the shade ... what a difference!
Now I know why folks who do plein air sketch mostly from the shade -- not just to protect themselves from the sun's heat -- but to better see the colors!! Who'd have thought??
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Duck and EDM 112 - Fresh
I've been 'getting into the Easter' mode with all the rabbits, baby ducks, candy, crosses, purples and yellows that are prominently featured in shops, gardens, commercials, churches. I decided to try stomething 'different' for me, and so I found a copyright free image of a baby duckling ....
The goslings haven't quite hatched here on campus, nor have the wee ducks, so I really appreciated finding an image to use.
This also fits the EDM Challenge this week - FRESH. Can you think of anything more fresh than this cuddly wee thing?
The goslings haven't quite hatched here on campus, nor have the wee ducks, so I really appreciated finding an image to use.
This also fits the EDM Challenge this week - FRESH. Can you think of anything more fresh than this cuddly wee thing?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Duke's Flower Pots in the White Garden
This small grouping of planters finished the time Sue and I had to sketch at The White Gardens at Duke Gardens. This garden was just chockful of the most wonderful varieties of planters!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sara P. Duke Gardens
Yesterday was an 'Early Taste of Summer' spring day, and Sue ( and I spent a few hours at the Sarch P. Duke Gardens! OH MY GOSH!! I could have stayed there for days!! EVERYWHERE we looked was a view worthy of painting. We never got past the first garden we came to: The White Garden.
The birds serenaded us with song, the flowers in bloom - hyacinths, tulips, white daffodils, grape hyacinth, etc. wafted sweet scents as we sat on a bench to sketch. We were in the amphitheatre area where we also enjoyed the childrens dance and song performance, and visitors to the gardens just kept coming and coming!
The birds serenaded us with song, the flowers in bloom - hyacinths, tulips, white daffodils, grape hyacinth, etc. wafted sweet scents as we sat on a bench to sketch. We were in the amphitheatre area where we also enjoyed the childrens dance and song performance, and visitors to the gardens just kept coming and coming!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yesterday was one filled with what seemed like endless errands -- library, grocery store, finding small gifts for the grands' Easter, and car maintenance. In my effort to simply 'sketch what was before me,' this gumball machine in the waiting room of Toyota turned out to be my sketch subject!
Truthfully, I haven't seene one of these in years -- let alone added my $.25!!! to the collection! I remember when gumballs were a penny!
Truthfully, I haven't seene one of these in years -- let alone added my $.25!!! to the collection! I remember when gumballs were a penny!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Lone Iris
Walking to the Arboretum building, this lone iris caught my eye ... standing alone amongst the yellow daffs ....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Daffs, Fosythia and Spirea
With spring in the air, my thoughts naturally turn to flowers! Here is a vignette from Rebecca's vase -- forsythia, daffodils, and a bit of spirea.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
EDM 111 Bowl
The EDM challenge this week is to sketch a bowl. Here's Rebecca's simple cream bowl ... a difficult color to capture and highlight!
Loropetalum Stem
A stem of the Loropetalum in full bloom behind the Arboretum building. I just LOVE these spidery blossoms!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I spotted this wee cherry tree ablaze with bright blooms in the middle of a shady pine forest ... so reminded me of "HOPE" that I had to sketch it to remind myself that when days get so challenging, even the smallest tree can provide the inspiration one needs to go on.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Blood Oranges
Finding Blood Oranges in our neck of the woods is a rare event. C found some last year and we spent several weeks making jam and marmalade.
This year, even scarcer, C found some blood oranges while shopping near his work -- and so brought home a couple of bags. I spent a good six hours rendering these treasures into more marmalade -- so reminding us of our trip to Sicily! DELICIOUS!
This year, even scarcer, C found some blood oranges while shopping near his work -- and so brought home a couple of bags. I spent a good six hours rendering these treasures into more marmalade -- so reminding us of our trip to Sicily! DELICIOUS!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Deco for Marilynn 1
Marilynn's Deco book is 'Childhood Memories." So I collaged several pages of my favorite childhood photos and early memories of Brooklyn, NY.
Coffee with Sue
Our sketching at the gardens yesterday was both rained out and usurped by a last-minute meeting ... Still, Sue and I met for coffee and a quick sketch at one of the areas eating establishments.
This restaurantis more of a sports-bar kind of estabablishment. There were HUGE televisions everywhere, and all of the tables had access to view whatever 'game' was playing. The NCAA hoops games were on most channels, so it was a good time to practice sketching 'people.' Funny thing, JUST as we'd begin a sketch, it would be just THAT time, folks decided it was time to leave! LOL
Yesterday was also Worldwide Sketchcrawl -- so though we were siting, perhaps we could count our sketches in the day's events!
This restaurantis more of a sports-bar kind of estabablishment. There were HUGE televisions everywhere, and all of the tables had access to view whatever 'game' was playing. The NCAA hoops games were on most channels, so it was a good time to practice sketching 'people.' Funny thing, JUST as we'd begin a sketch, it would be just THAT time, folks decided it was time to leave! LOL
Yesterday was also Worldwide Sketchcrawl -- so though we were siting, perhaps we could count our sketches in the day's events!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
EDM 110 Flame
This weeks EDM challenge is "Flame" ... so I sketched a candle holder that I've owned for quite a while.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Dwelling Place
Folks have wondered about the bed and breakfast I frequent during my workweek. The other night, another warm evening, I sat on the steps and sketched Rebecca's entry sign ... the wind was blowing, night falling, and I didn't have much time. I'd like to redo this and create some cards for her ...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Rebecca's Garden
With spring break this week and the students off from classes as well as several days of 70sF weather, I've been able to leave the office before dark and spend a bit of time IN Rebecca's garden.
The other night I had 20 minutes to sketch before dinner, and so I stood in one small section sketching the flowering quince and spirea. The leaves of iris form a base around these shrubs, and though I didn't have time to sketch the other blooming plants, her bright yellow daffodils form sweet-smelling carpets throughout the property and were an incredible feast of eye-candy!
Twenty-minutes was simply NOT long enough to enjoy this breath of spring.
The other night I had 20 minutes to sketch before dinner, and so I stood in one small section sketching the flowering quince and spirea. The leaves of iris form a base around these shrubs, and though I didn't have time to sketch the other blooming plants, her bright yellow daffodils form sweet-smelling carpets throughout the property and were an incredible feast of eye-candy!
Twenty-minutes was simply NOT long enough to enjoy this breath of spring.
Saucer Magnolia
This young (2 year old) tree is in bright flowering bloom in the kitchen garden at the arboretum. Small leaves are beginning to appear on the stems and branches and soon, the flowers will be gone ....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Pincushion Plant
This bright flower sits in its pot awaiting planting at the arboretum. One of our lecturers gave each participant one of these spring plants. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, I decided to sit outdoors and sketch it!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Poppy Fields
A dear, generous friend has been helping me with my watercoloring. This painting was completed during several of those lessons.
I'm thrilled with the result -- but even more -- with what I am learning:
* The importance of water -- and getting a real SENSE of what that means when using watercolors!!!
* The need for contrast of darks and mid-tones as in the trees!
* Negative painting and masking over paint
* How important the 'central focus is" -- and the need for the brightest, cleanest, most detail right THERE!
Again, my heartfelt thanks to a kind and most generous individual, without whom, my artwork, my life, would be so much less.
I'm thrilled with the result -- but even more -- with what I am learning:
* The importance of water -- and getting a real SENSE of what that means when using watercolors!!!
* The need for contrast of darks and mid-tones as in the trees!
* Negative painting and masking over paint
* How important the 'central focus is" -- and the need for the brightest, cleanest, most detail right THERE!
Again, my heartfelt thanks to a kind and most generous individual, without whom, my artwork, my life, would be so much less.
Wild Iris
Yesterday was another balmy 65+F degrees -- and the urge of the sun combined with the gentle breezes and winter-weary debris in the yard, pulled me outdoors to begin our annual spring clean-up.
We have quite a number of ornamental grasses, and they seem to like our clay soil -- so many of them are well over my head in height. The birds also enjoy them as a resting/nesting place, winter food, and more. But I am beginning to see the bright green of new leaves trying to emerge through the stalks of tans and browns, and so I donned my trusty hedge clippers, rake, wheel barrow and dove in. Whew! By the time I had cut, raked and hauled to the burn pile JUST the grasses along the front bed, my arms and hands were trembling! (More of this kind of work and I can cancel my gym membership! LOL)
Still, the day was PERFECT for this kind of activity ... and I was rewarded by the still-present perfume of the Daphne -- it acted like a form of aromatherapy -- invigorating me with each inhalation -- as though, it too, were urging me to continue my work.
Then, after removing so much leaf and stem liter, I found these tiny wild irises and Stars of Bethlehem all abloom --! Wonderful rewards for a challenging task!
I wonder what I"ll find when I get to the grasses along the drive???
We have quite a number of ornamental grasses, and they seem to like our clay soil -- so many of them are well over my head in height. The birds also enjoy them as a resting/nesting place, winter food, and more. But I am beginning to see the bright green of new leaves trying to emerge through the stalks of tans and browns, and so I donned my trusty hedge clippers, rake, wheel barrow and dove in. Whew! By the time I had cut, raked and hauled to the burn pile JUST the grasses along the front bed, my arms and hands were trembling! (More of this kind of work and I can cancel my gym membership! LOL)
Still, the day was PERFECT for this kind of activity ... and I was rewarded by the still-present perfume of the Daphne -- it acted like a form of aromatherapy -- invigorating me with each inhalation -- as though, it too, were urging me to continue my work.
Then, after removing so much leaf and stem liter, I found these tiny wild irises and Stars of Bethlehem all abloom --! Wonderful rewards for a challenging task!
I wonder what I"ll find when I get to the grasses along the drive???
Monday, March 12, 2007
In Bloom
Leaving South Carolina this weekend, I feel like I've left Spring behind. As I drove through that state, I saw Bradford pears, Saucer Magnolias, Azaleas, various cherry trees -- all in vivid bloom.
At home, clearly two gardening zones away, my garden was still hibernating. Still, with temperatures in the balmy 60sF, I found that the rosemary was in beautifiul blue flower, a bit more of the Daphne had opened (and was INCREDIBLY fragrant), and the spirea was just opened.
Spring IS coming!
At home, clearly two gardening zones away, my garden was still hibernating. Still, with temperatures in the balmy 60sF, I found that the rosemary was in beautifiul blue flower, a bit more of the Daphne had opened (and was INCREDIBLY fragrant), and the spirea was just opened.
Spring IS coming!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Birthday Callas
I sent M these calla lilies for her birthday last week. I thought I'd sketch them to remember both her birthday and my visit.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Visiting my daughter and granddaughter has been an absolute JOY! Someday, my sketches of them will LOOK like the beautiful females they ARE! For now, I'll have to stick with my abilities! LOL
Here's T's favorite toy -- a small plastic monkey! She loves to chew on it -- must feel good on her aching gums!
She's crawling and walking around by holding onto the furniture, humming, smiling with her 5 wee teeth ... and as tiny and petite as my daughter was at her age!
Oh, this long line of wee-ness! LOL
Here's T's favorite toy -- a small plastic monkey! She loves to chew on it -- must feel good on her aching gums!
She's crawling and walking around by holding onto the furniture, humming, smiling with her 5 wee teeth ... and as tiny and petite as my daughter was at her age!
Oh, this long line of wee-ness! LOL
Friday, March 09, 2007
Rebecca's brass ducks
I am off again --! I'm visiting my dearest daughter and wee T who is now holding onto the furniture and walking around the house! SUCH FUN!!!
These brass ducks of Rebecca's remind me of our children and grands -- the moommy duck and the baby duck -- sort of like visiting my daughter! Nonna being the one taking the photo! LOL
The ducks sit on Rebecca's kitchen mantle and were a gift from one of her children -- pretty fitting I think.
I may be scarce for a while as I get acquainted once again with a sweet little one!
These brass ducks of Rebecca's remind me of our children and grands -- the moommy duck and the baby duck -- sort of like visiting my daughter! Nonna being the one taking the photo! LOL
The ducks sit on Rebecca's kitchen mantle and were a gift from one of her children -- pretty fitting I think.
I may be scarce for a while as I get acquainted once again with a sweet little one!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Plant Nursery
While waiting for my appointment to interview one of my student's employers, I sat in my car and sketched this cute cabin they use as an office.
The greenhouses are behind the cabin as is the plant nursery. They also have a public strawberry and blueberry pick-it farm.
Hmmmmm..... spring!!!!
The greenhouses are behind the cabin as is the plant nursery. They also have a public strawberry and blueberry pick-it farm.
Hmmmmm..... spring!!!!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
EDM 109 A clock
This clock sits on Rebecca's kitchen mantle. Look close -- is there any question why I have such a problem with time???? LOL
Daffs and St. Pat
Although we have a week before St. Patrick's Day, Rebecca has her home all 'green' and 'daffodilly!'
Here stands St. Pat amongst the daffs on the kitchen table.
Here stands St. Pat amongst the daffs on the kitchen table.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Missing the Grands

It's been an insanely busy two months for me -- work, family matters, traveling -- that it feels like AGES since we've had the grands for a weekend stay. I've felt so much longing that I sketched Emily's flip-flops, in her favorite color -- pink, just to feel a bit closer to her and Nick.
I managed to get to see these wee ones last night for a short while. Nick came running to the door crying "NONNA!" "Nonna!" And I thought my tears wouldn't stop! Emily came running too and I was lost in a three-way hug -- me on my knees to be their height (won't be long I won't have to do this! LOL), those teeny arms wrapped around me, and me crying like a lost babe myself.
I watched them eat dinner, gabbing all the time. We played dodge ball, with the objective to be HIT rather than missed -- laughing and running and giggling.
When it was time to go, Nick says "I go with ...?" and the tears almost began again. Long hugs, kisses, "I love you's" ... and back home to face another busy week, another weekend away, and another long few weeks before we can have these two beloved grandchildren overnight.
Still, I drove home with a full heart, grateful for our brief time together, for the love that spans time and distance, a love that will be eager for togetherness again as soon as humanly possible.
Love -- and time --- each with its own grace.
Winter or Sweet Daphne

2 26 06
I first wrote about this amazingly scented, winter blooming plant last year, and so I was looking forward to it blooming again this year.
Signs of spring are all around me, and with bright sunshine pulling me outdoors yesterday, I stepped off the porch to the intoxicating perfume of the two Daphnes planted by my porch.
I didn't dawdle long -- it was still only in the 40sF! So I clipped two stems, placed them in water, poured another cup of HOT coffee and began to sketch. It is ever amazing to me the difference I see in my work when I sketch first thing in the morning and when I sketch after a long, tiring day! Sure, sure, it stands to reason, I know. But I still find it amazing! And it sure makes me yearn for retirement!(Not happening any time soon, darn it! )
Anway, after spending a day with Sue last week and admiring her 'washy' approach to painting, I thought I too might use a bit more water in my washes and see how loose I could make the treatment of this plant. My husband, when I told him of my plan, insisted that I not lose my style. "Style," says I, "I have a style?" LOL Why is it always easier to see someone else's style than one's own??? Anyway, he explained that he liked my 'lines' as well as my washes, and wanted me to be sure to 'keep my lines.' I have to admit, I am over-the-top crazy for line and wash so I had an 'inkling' of what he was suggesting. I tend to like the softness of pencil line so I wasn't sure I wanted to use any ink on this flower, since the plant itself, though rugged enough for cold winter nights, still seemed to me so delicate with its heady fragrance.
So I sketched the daphne, then used a wetter approach to the washes. I have to admit that it is at this point I tend to 'fiddle' with the paint .... and so to AVOID that ... I left the room, took a shower, filled the bird feeders, and dabbled until I knew the paint was dry. I don't always have this luxury when I'm at work or sketching late into the evening, so it was good for me to practice this! I returned to the painting, now dried well, and added a few dark values (something my dear friend is always reminding me to do!), and finished the daphne.
For comparison, I went back last year, February 26, to find the daphne I sketched then. I think I like this year's better.
I first wrote about this amazingly scented, winter blooming plant last year, and so I was looking forward to it blooming again this year.
Signs of spring are all around me, and with bright sunshine pulling me outdoors yesterday, I stepped off the porch to the intoxicating perfume of the two Daphnes planted by my porch.
I didn't dawdle long -- it was still only in the 40sF! So I clipped two stems, placed them in water, poured another cup of HOT coffee and began to sketch. It is ever amazing to me the difference I see in my work when I sketch first thing in the morning and when I sketch after a long, tiring day! Sure, sure, it stands to reason, I know. But I still find it amazing! And it sure makes me yearn for retirement!(Not happening any time soon, darn it! )
Anway, after spending a day with Sue last week and admiring her 'washy' approach to painting, I thought I too might use a bit more water in my washes and see how loose I could make the treatment of this plant. My husband, when I told him of my plan, insisted that I not lose my style. "Style," says I, "I have a style?" LOL Why is it always easier to see someone else's style than one's own??? Anyway, he explained that he liked my 'lines' as well as my washes, and wanted me to be sure to 'keep my lines.' I have to admit, I am over-the-top crazy for line and wash so I had an 'inkling' of what he was suggesting. I tend to like the softness of pencil line so I wasn't sure I wanted to use any ink on this flower, since the plant itself, though rugged enough for cold winter nights, still seemed to me so delicate with its heady fragrance.
So I sketched the daphne, then used a wetter approach to the washes. I have to admit that it is at this point I tend to 'fiddle' with the paint .... and so to AVOID that ... I left the room, took a shower, filled the bird feeders, and dabbled until I knew the paint was dry. I don't always have this luxury when I'm at work or sketching late into the evening, so it was good for me to practice this! I returned to the painting, now dried well, and added a few dark values (something my dear friend is always reminding me to do!), and finished the daphne.
For comparison, I went back last year, February 26, to find the daphne I sketched then. I think I like this year's better.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
EDM 108 lightbulb
I spent yesterday's beautiful day in a conference room learning to creat pod and video casts -- fun, but I sure missed the sunshine.
This smokey lightbulb is the EDM 108 challenge, and I sketched it on the night of the lunar eclipse - viewed from my French door window, looking at the moon fade into dark, brighten with orange as it reemerged and then bright light after the event.
It reminded me how grateful I am for light -- incandescent as well as sun!
This smokey lightbulb is the EDM 108 challenge, and I sketched it on the night of the lunar eclipse - viewed from my French door window, looking at the moon fade into dark, brighten with orange as it reemerged and then bright light after the event.
It reminded me how grateful I am for light -- incandescent as well as sun!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Sue ( and I spent an entire DAY at the butterfly house again! There were HUNDREDS of butterflies this morning -- far greater numbers than there seemed to be last weekend. There were also a greater number of school children there as well! LOL
We found a different bench to sketch from this time, and plunged right in .. still chatting all the while!
Had lunch at the cafe, walked through the other exhibits, took TONS of photos, then returned to the butterfly house for one last sketch.
It was so relaxing -- even hot inside this tropical glass house. Outdoors, the weather too was unseasonably warm, and our walk around the petting farm and lunch at the cafe patio were extremely pleasant.
We've decided that if we make one more trip to the museum, we'd have almost paid for a membership! Something to consider for sure ...
(pictures tomorrow!)
We found a different bench to sketch from this time, and plunged right in .. still chatting all the while!
Had lunch at the cafe, walked through the other exhibits, took TONS of photos, then returned to the butterfly house for one last sketch.
It was so relaxing -- even hot inside this tropical glass house. Outdoors, the weather too was unseasonably warm, and our walk around the petting farm and lunch at the cafe patio were extremely pleasant.
We've decided that if we make one more trip to the museum, we'd have almost paid for a membership! Something to consider for sure ...
(pictures tomorrow!)
Red Maple
The buds have broken dormancy on the trees -- here a red maple. Saucer and star magnolias are just opening their showy blossoms; and driving home, even the oaks are a haze of ochre and burnt sienna. On lawns, wild onions and garlic add a vivid green.
Promises of spring on the muddy earth and gray sky.
Promises of spring on the muddy earth and gray sky.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Contour Calm
My week has been one of the most tense of the six years I've been here at the college. A dear, sweet friend of mine suggested that I do a bit of modified contour drawing in order to relax and move my mind in a direction beside worry and fret. The sun was shining, and yet it was a bit too chilly to be outdoors without moving, so I drove to one of the college's lakes and found a spot to park beside a couple of nesting geese.
Students passed me, the geese took a swim, and yet, sitting there, eyes on the geese and back to my sketch, lost in line and form and sunshine's warmth, the week's tensions seemed to ease, I could finally take a deep breath ...and after 45 minutes, I could return to my desk MUCH more relaxed and cheerful.
I can't say the sketch is one of my better ones, and I did wind up 'modifying' it some last night ... but the PROCESS of doing this sketch and the results to my stressed mind and body will be remembered and repeated.
THANK YOU, cara!, for your brilliant suggestion!!
Students passed me, the geese took a swim, and yet, sitting there, eyes on the geese and back to my sketch, lost in line and form and sunshine's warmth, the week's tensions seemed to ease, I could finally take a deep breath ...and after 45 minutes, I could return to my desk MUCH more relaxed and cheerful.
I can't say the sketch is one of my better ones, and I did wind up 'modifying' it some last night ... but the PROCESS of doing this sketch and the results to my stressed mind and body will be remembered and repeated.
THANK YOU, cara!, for your brilliant suggestion!!
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