9" x 12"
Ahhhhh..... home. Thank you all for your most kind comments, thoughts and good wishes. It has been a wild, turbulent, insanely busy April with work and weather to match. Thank you for all your generous thoughts and patience.
As I sit at my home computer looking out the window and the rising sun, I am ever so grateful for the safety of my family and home and grateful to finally have the past six weeks completed. We were spared by so much bad weather, had a successful sale despite all the tornadoes, and have had so much outpouring of support and kindnesses ...that having a moment to rest, really rest, brings on the enormity of gratitude and prayers for those less fortunate.
Thank you too for your constant support and daily voting. Quite honestly, the county, school, churches, citizen groups and more are so necessarily involved with the needs of tornado victims that the orchard project has taken an understandably backseat .... and so YOUR votes have meant even more -- again, many many thanks. The voting will continue through August with top winners chosen monthly, so perhaps with slow, daily persistence, we can still win.
The Art and Food festival was fabulous -- truly! There was a lot of interest in my work and while I had no sales at the event, I did sell several other paintings the week before. I met a lot of wonderful artists - and the area chefs who came out and provided samples of their cuisine -- outstanding! By the time we sampled a PORTION of the offerings, we were stuffed - but oh my, do we have some new places to go for dinner! LOL Music was great - and all the friends and supporters there were so uplifting and encouraging. WOW! We got home and by the time we unpacked just the necessary things, it was close to midnight .. a long, long day ... but oh so memorable!
Gratefully, with a friend's help, I think I have found a way around the computer issues at work -- at least my fingers are crossed. With all the storm damage, high winds, bits of flooding, we are finding more and more 'outages' and disruptions throughout the campus. I feel for our IT folks; they have been mighty busy trying to get so much back on line ...
This painting was begun last weekend, and despite it all, finished during this crazy week ... lol. It's one of those marvelous barns we still have around Oxford, and the yellow fields that my dear husband knows how much I love. He found this farm during one of his travels, and came home to carry me there for photographs - knowing that barns, farms and yellow fields just make me smile! What a sweetie.
On my work computer, the painted fields look brighter than they do on my home computer screen - so know that the fields in the painting are a bright yellow/gold ..the color of buttercups and mustards - all dotted with the blossoms of white clover ... MY kind of serenity! LOL
I hope to catch up with everyone this weekend --- I've so missed seeing your works and chatting a bit.
Hope your weekend is terrific - and prayers for those recovering from all the storms.
And thank you again for your vote!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Barn and Yellow Fields
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fields of Buttercups

Thursday, April 28, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
I still do not have access to Flickr except on my borrowed computer --- I have access to this only for a few minutes each day, so I'll catch up with everyone this weekend -- I hope.
This painting was done a while back -- but my own astilbe are getting ready to bloom ... they seem quite early to me.
We're under the threat of more severe weather and tornados ... we've already had blips of power losses ... and my heart goes out to those in the midwest who just experienced the storm heading this way...
Be safe everyone ....
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Snowball Viburnum

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Lake
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
Our spring is swiftly moving into summer - at least heatwise. We have already experienced temps in the mid 80s, and it seems to me that our summer plants are making their appearance mighty early. Already my purple cone flowers are ready to open, the blackberry flowers and vines are rambling all over, and my daisies are about to pop! Sure makes me dream of summertime by the lake ...but since it is still April .... that leisure vacation is a long way off.
We're expecting rain for most of the week, and after all the high heat, the plants are ready for it ...
Hope your day is terrific!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Garden of Batchelors Buttons
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
This weekend, C and I went into town and had a quiet dinner. Afterward, we decided to take our daily walk around the historic district to view the spring in a more urban setting.
We found so many delightful little vistas and surprises, but the BEST was a garden maintained by one of our local dentists. This garden occupies an entire corner lot in the district - and each year, the good doctor plants a variety of flowers, vetables and herbs which, to our eyes, almost appear by magic.
Among the large, columned homes fillled with our town's history, there is this magnificent, 'almost wild' area covered from one end to the other with flowers. This spring, we were greeted by a half acre of batchelor buttons. Pinks, purples, whites all swayed in the gentle breezes. While we walked the small pathways through the gardens, those flowers reached my waist. A small child could get lost in the foliage and color!! UTTER DELIGHT!! Such a selfless gift to the community - open to the public - delighting the eyes and giving the air the softest bit of fragrance. MAGIC! Happening upon this beauty just made our walk even more delightful and made us smile all the way home.
Sometimes it's these little happenstances that can really charge the day with a bit more brightness, a bit of light to the challenges, a spot of joy ....
May we contribute as welll as find such 'happenstances' ...
Thank you too for your continued support and voting!! Have a great week!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
9" X 12"
Arches 140#CP
Tulips almost seem synonymous with spring and Easter and to me, along with the Easter Lily, symbolize joy of spring's return, the 'newness' of another season, the return of warmth and the richness of life. Whether in religion or in landscape, Easter seems to bring the message of joy, resurrection, and life returned ...
May we celebrate this joy today.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
Growing up in New York, my mom had a huge lilac shrub that she doted on almost as much as her roses. She'd cut sprays of them and their heady scent would fill each room of our home.
But here in North Carolina, lilacs don't do particularly well in our very hot and humid summers -- except for one variety - Miss Kim.
Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim' grows about eight feet tall and eight feet wide and very fragrant lilac/pink flowers (paler blue than these painted). It prefers sun to part shade and moist soil.
My new acquisition is still in its pot since we've had rain most of the weekend - but I think I have the perfect spot for Miss Kim .... and each time it blooms, as it's doing now, it'll be a fragrant reminder of my children -- and my mom.
Thank you again for voting!!!
Happy Easter Saturday!
Friday, April 22, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
These bright, peppery tasting flowers are in full bloom at the Arboretum .... we sold so many of them over the weekend too. Their leaves and flowers are edible and add a 'zip' to salads of all types. I love how they drape over the beds we've planted them in ...
I can't 'read' the colors of my painting on my screen this morning as compared to the painting ... somehow these look darker on the screen than they are in real life. I'm finding my scanner either washes out all color or darkens it too much ... sigh ...
We're off to get more matting and frames for my month-long exhibit at the library whein my work town. I exhibited there in January and I'm back for another display. I have quite a few new paintings to frame.
We also have the grands coming to a pre-Easter dinner, so I hope to have some time to paint as well and get some plants in the ground. The season is moving ahead fast!
Have a great day and a terrific Easter weekend! And thank you too for voting!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Pasque Flower - Vestaligo - THANK YOU!
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
My thanks go to my friend Ernesto (http://www.flickr.com/photos/vilageron/) for the inspiration of one of his fabulous photos to paint this flower! Please take a moment to view his glorious works!
Much of the clean-up has been completed and folks are still coming to the greenhouse for the vegetables we didn't sell on Saturday. The few flowers that remain will be put on the Arboretum grounds, and by next week, we'll close down the greenhouse for the summer. We begin our trips and tours next week - using those as learning and teaching opportunities for the folks who learn best outside a lecture hall. It'll be a welcome change for us as we, too, move out of doors a bit.
We've rain in the forecast - and despite the storms, we need the water. The winds and high temps have desiccated the plants so the rains are welcome -- and hopefully, the winds won't be as bad.
Thank you too for continuing to vote!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Fence and Field
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
The grasses in the fields around my home are growing ... and between the greens of the leafing trees, the greena of the grasses, and the greens of all those pines, dots of yellow and white are beginning to fleck this 'emerald' vista.
This field is two miles from my home, and each time I pass it, I'm waiting for the mustards, buttercups and daisies to make their appearance and turn all that green into gold. The parade of wildflowers has begun, though, and here and there, bit of color, other than green, are showing.
Thank you all for your votes and your kind thoughts. When I got to work yesterday, much of the timber had been cut away from walkways, limbs had been collected, and some of the gardens 'put to rights.' My feeling again was deep gratitude for so little damage compared to mere miles away where other greenhouses, nurseries and farms fared so much worse.
We're making lists of replacement needs, getting estimates and overall returning a bit to normal. And I thank each of YOU for thinking of us and those who have been so adversely affected by these recent storms.
Thank you too for voting! We've gotten our weblink fixed -- so you can go here to reach the page:
And click on "Click here to vote each day"
Again, many many thanks!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lake Tranquility
1/8 Sheet
Among all the devastation of property and loss of life, and the bustle of recovery work from Saturday's tornadoes, this small lake near my home sits as a tranquil reminder that there will be less frenetic, painful days ahead. It always seems so contrary to me to have blue skies and sunshine following a big storm -- but there it is ...Perhaps it's a message of hope midst the ruins and sadness.
I return to work today to see just how much damage our grounds have endured. I've seen photos and talked to my staff, and we've been spared the worst. I suppose the hardest thing is bearing the disappointment of work and effort lost so quickly and knowing it must be done again .... and again ... and realizing just how fragile it all is ...
Still, the gratitude of safety fills us all ... and prayers for those less fortunate.
Thank you all for your votes and support!
Vote today! THANKS!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Spring Blossoming Tree
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for believing in our orchard project and voting --- please continue to do so daily. We are so far behind and with our current state of emergency and clean up following the horrible tornado damage, our voting campaign will take another hit.
I found a short-cut to the voting page:
OR the typical method:
Choose: North Carolina
Click on "Plant"
Click on "List by State"
Click on " Smithfield - The Arboretum at Johnston Community College"
Again, many thanks.
This painting is another from the archives, done wet into wet and trying to achieve that 'etheral' spring blossom look. As I look out my windows this morning, the trees have already dressed themselves in shades of chartruese, lime, ochre and green .... it seems just last weekend I was wondering when those last bare limbs would get on some clothes -- and look at that -- a week later, and they're already leafed out!
Hope your week is splendid! And again, thank you!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Three Pansies
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
This will be a bit long - but please read and help if you can:
First off, our plant sale, despite the rain and winds that were followed by the worst number of tornados in our state's history, went exceedingly well. The worst of the weather held off until AFTER we closed and sent everyone home. Not two hours after we left the property, the storms hit - a tornado in my work town and several deaths throughout the area. We are so grateful that our folks were safe, and that the Arboretum was spared save for many trees down. To think that just a bit of time earlier, we were selling plants ... makes me fall on my knees in gratitude for everyone's safety. We are all okay - but North Carolina is under a state of emergency.
This is terrible in so many ways - homes destroyed, people's lives disrupted, and many this morning still without power.
But it also means our voting campagain will be severely hampered.
Would you please consider helping the Arboretum win an fruit tree orchard - the food of which will be donated to the hungry. The news is filled this morning with the warning that 'we are one shot from a world crisis' because of the high cost of food prices.
The way to win this grant is by having all our friends vote - once a day - every day - until we have the most votes. We are competing with 130 other folks throughout the US - only 20 orchards will be awarded.
With the storms and tragedies and power off in so many areas, our college's website is down - but here's how you can vote:
Please go to:
Choose: North Carolina
Click on "Plant"
Click on "List by State"
Click on " Smithfield - The Arboretum at Johnston Community College"
You must register to vote - so somewhere in all this you'll be guided to register.
I know it is horribly tedious and hopefully the grantors will simplify the process over time (they even had technical difficulties that have hindered this entire process) ...
But please, if you can help - send this to as many folks as possible ...The top 4 winners will be chosen by the end of May - anyone, everyone can vote - once a day - until the end of May.
THANK YOU for your thoughts and your help.
We're all pretty tired after so much work - and another number of weeks to clean up after the storm. I may be offline for a while until things settle down.
Bless you for all you can do to help the hungry!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Field
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
A quick study of a field and mountain -- I'd change the mountain shape next time -- but it was good practice for 'greens.'
We're in for severe weather today, but hopefully not until after the sale ...
I'll catch up tomorrow - it's going to be a busy day!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Remembering Fields of Wildflowers
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
Another work from the archives ...This view is from one I always pass on my way home -- there is something very appealing to me about the roll of the hills and the mass of wildflowers against the treeline ....
One more day before the plant sale. Our greenhouse and grounds are about ready and now it's time to get in the last bit of 'putting in place.' The weather forecast, fingers crossed, is saying rain AFTER lunch, which would give us the bulk of our sale is decent weather .. still crossing fingers ...
Have a great Friday!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Sway of the Iris
1/8 sheet
Arches 140#CP
A quick study last night of light lavender iris ...They're popping all over the Arboretum in colors of pink, yellow, white and deep purple -- magnificent varities of ruffles and 'beards' ...all set against those swordlike leaves.
The Plant a Row group meets again today - and their work last week made the front page of our local paper -
How exciting!!!
The weather for Saturday's event looks even more gloomy -- but we plod on in preparation -- fingers crossed for the rain holding off ...
Have a terrific day!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
An Abstract Mountainscape
1/4 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
With the plant sale this week, visitors on campus, night meetings and deadlines and mere minutes to think about painting, I'm reaching into my archives for those paintings I haven't yet posted.
This painting was done last November or December following the workshop I took with Karlyn Holman. I used different colors but similar methods - lots of water, painting, unryu paper - to create a mountain view with a sunrise and green/blue hills in the foreground.
I'll be scant on the computer this week and hope to catch up as I can during breaks. Our sale is Saturday with stormy weather predicted, so we've lots of contingency planning to do as well as sundance praying...
Have a great day!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
Flower sales -- don't you love them?! I saw these pots of geraniums at a sale the other day and they so reminded me of all the geraniums I saw in Italy, I just had to have a couple.
Right now they sit on my front porch --but next weekend, I'll find a permanent home for them.
In my region, they're treated as an annual, so I'll have to find new ones next year. I bought these more orange flowers rather than the bright crimson ... I seem to be more into 'soft' colors this spring.
We're in for a storm today and tomorrow so all my plants will get a good drink ...
Stay safe!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spring Garden - Thank you Annie!
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
My special thanks to Annie (http://www.flickr.com/photos/annieclic/) whose wonderful photograph of this view inspired my painting. Thank you Annie for allowing me to use your photograph -- and for the inspiration!
We've had a bit of rain this weekend, and it's foggy this morning. The temps climbed to the high 70s yesterday and it seems warm weather will be with us along with the storms that typically come with the spring.
My dogwoods are in bloom and my trees are just dressing in their vernal coverings ...the season progresses.
Hope your day is grand!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Sometimes the beauty of a wayward spot along the road has the ability to stop me in my tracks. Whether it's the light, the grasses against the rocks, the multitude of pretty weeds, the sun glinting off a section of granite, the textures - whatever it is -- I simply MUST paint that bit of landscape.
This is one such place captured last year in a photograph, painted this week more for texture and feeling than for the simple reality of the view. My favorite part of this painting are the grasses and wildflowers against the rocks ... reminding me of John Denver's song "The flower that shattered the stone:"
The Earth is our mother just turning around
With the trees in the forest and roots underground
Our father above us whose sigh is the wind
Paint us a rainbow without any end
As the river runs freely, the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children a pure love still grows
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Sparrows find freedom beholding the sun
In the infinite beauty we're all joined in one
I reach out before me and look to the sky
Did I hear someone whisper? Did something pass by?
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children a pure love still grows
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Words and Music by Joe Henry and John Jarvis
Corrected by "A. Elizabeth Hawley"
May there be flowers among your stones ....
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Wet in Wet Treeline
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
With the crunch of deadlines, late nights and frenzied activities, my painting time has taken a hit....and many nights these last few weeks I've had only enough time and energy for a bit of play/practice instead of attempting a completed painting. This treeline is one such practice.
My goal was to work wet into wet, create a couple of levels, and to vary those triangular tops of the trees while varying the greens.... I see only a bit of success here as those triangle tops still haunt me ... lol. I scratched into the mass to break up the 'walls' of green, and added a bit of abstract foreground for interest and depth.
Despite the static tops of the trees, there is something about this I like ... can't put my finger on it -- perhaps it reminds me of the walls of evergreens I see as I drive North Carolina roads, and the wet feeling left by the thunderstorm last night .... at any rate ... it's practice.
I hope to have a bit of rest this weekend and a bit more time to paint. A few more weeks of this intense activity, and the rest of the spring looks far less hectic.
At home, our dogwoods have opened -- and look like ballerinas among the greening trees ... so pretty. We needed the rain and it helped knock down some of that bright yellow pine pollen that has coated EVERYTHING!
Hope you get a chance to wet your brushes today!
Friday, April 08, 2011
Wisteria Country
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
This is a combination of photos - the barn and landscape from Oxford and the wisteria from where I work. Though the wisteria has just begun to bloom at home, here, 90 miles south where I work, it is in its full violet glory. Ropes of the sweet fragranced vine are looping over trees and fences and running along the ground ... quite magnificent!
The weather was perfect yesterday for the art installation at the Arboretum, and the press came out for our Plant A Row for the Hungry volunteeers - now over 20 strong - with new folks joining weekly. These eager, incredible folks raked, hoed and installed plants in the entire kitchen garden .... all in time for next week's plant sale -- I almost cried in gratitude!
Today, more preparations and the opening of the new Farmer's Market in town.
My gracious -- spring has really been coming in on a run!
Have a great day!
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Inspired by Daisies
1/8 sheet
Arches 140#CP
Only the leaves are up for these warm-weather beauties, but watching the fields coming into blossom, had me dreaming of those wonderful white daisies that cheer every roadside and garden.
It's a busy, busy time with preparations for our fund-raiser plant sale, volunteer events and spring weather making everything need attention.
I'll be a bit scarce for the next couple of weeks until some of our major events are completed ...
Hope your days are joyful!
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
One can tell spring has really taken hold no matter how cold the nights when these dainty purple flowers take over the garden.
Everywhere on my property- from the herb beds to the perennial beds to the lawn, these dainty purple pretties are dotting and brightening anywhere they grow.
This particular violet (Viola odorata) is a perennial, often used as a ground cover and spreads easily (don't I know!! LOL). The plants grow 4 to 8 inches tall and form 1- to 2-inch-diameter leaves. The plants grow best in well-drained, moist soil that is slightly acidic. The rootball can be divided, or the plant sown by seed (requires cold weather to break dormancy) and is edible.
The perky flowers can be candied, or made into tea or syrup. I've rendered them into a mild jelly. The jelly is more green than pink, and so I had to add a bit of food coloring to give the jelly a 'violet' coloring. I've read that the leaves are edible, though I've not tried them myself.
The rain has finally moved out and we're in for a warming --
Have a great day!
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Summer Oxford Fields
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
Yesterdays warm temps invited us out again for another walk at one of our local parks. On the drive there, we passed some of the old fields I love to stop and photograph especially when wildlflowers blanket the rolling land.
I simplified this painting from one of those images taken last summer. Right now, green grass is the only covering on that field, and I am eager for the wild mustards, rumex, daisies and other 'wilds' to brighten a landscape I love.
Rain, strong winds and cooler temps are on tap today ...perhaps the rain will entice some of those wildflower seeds into blooming ....
Have a safe day!
Monday, April 04, 2011
My Apple Tree
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
I am thrilled beyond measure that so many of my blossoms have survived the last blast of rain, wind and below freezing temps - including those of my apple tree. Though we got only a few fruits from this particular tree, the large deer populations in my neighborhood seemed to be the beneficiaries of 'the fruits of my labor!' lol
Still, there is something so breathtaking to arrive home after a long week of work and find bright pink blossoms on these gnarly trees.
I seem to be playing with different approaches to watercolor these days - my attempt here to be somewhat detailed, somewhat abstract in some areas of the painting. My husband prefers more 'detail/botanical art' - but I am enjoying more the splash and splatter of the medium while still achieving a recognizable image ....
My workweek is wonky this month with odd days off, some weekend work, and quite a number of late nights ... still, the sun is shining, we're due for another warm-up, and the flowers are cheerful ...
Sunday, April 03, 2011
1/8 Sheet
Arches 140#CP
The weather has swung to warmer temps - finally - but the fierce wind yesterday kept us indoors most of the day. We ventured downtown for a while, even took in the exhibits at our small history museum -- so good!!! The exhibits so reminded me of why I love Oxford - it showcased our unique architecture (though I don't paint it very often); the farms and barns (my favorites); oral histories; our county's emphasis on education; our wonderful rolling hillsides and rural ways ....
This painting is from a photo reference I've had in my files for several years, and one that I painted about three or four years ago. I've simplifed it, changed the lake into a river and added a mountain ... but what draws me to this view are the fields of wildflowers. Here and there along my drives, I'm beginning to see the wildflowers (predominantly weeds -- still so wonderfully colorful) -- making their spring appearance.
I'm waiting for the wild mustards to bloom closer to home - they've already done so south of me ...I LOVE seeing those bright yellow fields, though our farmers dread the work they'll need to do to rid their fields of those plants in order to grow field crops ....
Soon .... soon ...
Have a great day!
Saturday, April 02, 2011
1/8 sheet
Arches 140#CP
It's been a long, unusual winter and an even more unusual spring. Weather conditons seem to have played havoc with the environment and people's psyche and health....Here in North Carolina, the oaks and other trees are in bloom and making folks most miserable with allergies.
Yet despite it all - at the Arboretum, the azaleas have begun their spring show - bringing a cheerful color and delight to banish winter blues and spring's uncomforable sneezing.
Today my friend Lorraine enjoys another birthday - and so this cheerful expression is for her --
And may your weekend be as joy-filled!
Friday, April 01, 2011
Daily Practice 1/8 Sheet Arches 140#CP Despite the rain, cold and wind - the flowers seem to be making it through the roughest weather. In all our garden shops trays and flats of pansies are being offered as one way to bring spring to our landscapes. I love the wee faces on these flowers, and the colors offered - whites, yellows, purples, reds, blues, and so cheerful, especially when spring brings its rains and swings its temperatures from hot to cold. The fluctuations in weather patterns this spring has us wondering if Mother Nature is playing an April Fool's Day trick on us. While we are warming up this week, my sisters and friends up north are having another blast of snow ... mercy. And yet, the pansies we planted last fall are so cold-hardy that they make it through the coldest of winter weather and are surviving our spring heat as well. And seem to be smiling all the while .... A lesson here? Have a great day!