Due to unexpected expenses -- eye doctor, Easter, new contacts, etc., etc., my plans to join the crew at the Asheville sketch crawl had to be postponed. SIGH. Big disappointment! Undaunted, though, I decided that I would join them virtually.
It rained on and all off day today, so instead of crawling at any of the local Arboreta, I dropped by the N.C. Museum of Art. I hadn't been there for a while and so I took a bit of time to walk slowly through the paintings, some wonderful statues, some GORGEOUS etchings (teeny) by Rembrandt (SORDID AND SACRED: THE BEGGARS IN REMBRANDT'S ETCHING--Selections from the John Villarino Collection), and some marvelous Egyptian vases!
I knew any rendering of statues would take me several hours and much consternation, so instead, I focused on some of the vases (which I really love!!!).
I'd never sketched in a museum before (I think this is also an EDM challenge!) and so was not sure what to expect. I quietly pulled out my folded sheet of watercolor paper, stood in front of a case of vases (no nearby seats, and I sketch SO SLOWLY), and used my pencil to sketch. MAN, those museum lights are LOW!!!!!
I sketched without anyone stopping me and pretty soon lost track of time. I made notes of color, and then found a seat and opened my wee portable wc pallet and began to watercolor. I went back and forth from seat to case to try to get the colors as correct as possible. (DARN those shadows -- I MUST LEARN MORE about how to do these!) Anyway, I was able to mix and paint, correct, walk back to check, return to seat....... But holy moly, those lights are so DIM!!! BTW, the vases range from 300 bc to 3500 bc!
I was about done with the vases when a young couple came by and asked me to see what I was sketching. (blush blush) I explained that I was a novice and trying to sketch the vases since photos were not permitted (why did I feel the need to justify??? LOL). Anyway -- they made very nice comments .... and I went on to finish my vases.
I stood up -- and got a bit lightheaded. WOW!!! Already 1:00 and a LOONNGGG time since my tiny bowl of cereal. I was in a quandary. I really wanted to do more vases, but my stomach, its emptiness now acknowledged, began to embarrass me with its rumbling. So I had to leave and give it some sustenance.
It was FUN! Though I know it would have been much more enjoyable had I been able to join the others in Asheville. But I was there in spirit and hope to make the next crawl!