Sunday, March 15, 2009

Storm's Coming - Homage to Rain

A few weeks ago, my staff and I were finishing our work, when they called me to look at the sky. The sun was setting by the greenhouses, and the approaching clouds were onimous! I snapped some photos trying to capture the dazzle of colors and the dark, foreboding entry of the storm behind the dark pine trees.

I thought today, day 3 of rain, seemed quite fitting for the painting (plus it's taken 3 times to try to get it to this stage! LOL)

Thank you all for your comments, encouragement and suggestons yesterday. Please know how grateful I am for your taking the time to write and for your kindest of words. Words, like painting, mean the world to me, and so YOUR comments are very much taken to heart. I won't give up on plein air -- I am determined if nothing else! LOL What I hope to give up is my own perfectionism and ridiculous expectations -- doing that should help a lot too! LOL

We had a grand time last night with Nick and Emily. It's been a while since we all had enough time to sit and play for several hours. And though Emily didn't get a chance to brighten my eyes with shadow, or pink my lips with glaze or paint my nails pink and purple, we had an entertaining time racing cars, making crabycakes and spaghetti with PlayDoh, splashing a lot in the tub, and snacking on PawPaw's special cookies and berries. It's amazing to me how grown up they are becoming -- and how tall! Emily clearly is passing my waist, and Nick is right behind her. Before long, we'll be sharing clothing! LOL

The poor kitties have confined themselves to the porch in all the rain -- and are startling us with their antics across the porch chairs as they chase one another and bang the chairs against the house. We have another one or two days of this .. I hope the furniture survives! LOL

Stay dry and warm today!


Anonymous said...

WOW and double WOW. Lin, this is incredible. So very different from anything you've done and such a remarkable painting. You continue to amaze me with your versatility. The fact that you can take on such different subjects, styles, and colors just shows over and over how you have grown as an artist. I am so proud of you and what you've achieved and I can't tell you how much I enjoy logging on and seeing your daily paintings and reading your interesting and publishable text! And of course your determination and endurance are lessons to us all. Bravo my friend!

Teri said...

Holey moley! you have captured that storm perfectly!!!

Joan said...

That sky is magnificent!!!Storms can be so destructive, but there is real beauty in them at times!!! I'm glad you persisted in getting this one done!

spinyurchin said...

Fantastic sky wash. It tells the whole story.

Clare said...

Everything that 'Anonymous Lorraine' said.
This is Spectacular.

Sandy Maudlin said...

This could even be the northern lights! Wondewrful. I love that low horizon line - so effective with the awesome sky.