Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

It seems so incongruous to me that while I sit at my office 90 miles from home and we are battered, last night severely, with rain, thunder, and even a tornado warning, that at home, nary a drop of rain fell on my own garden ..... sigh. Oh, I know about weather patterns and the like, but mercy ....we are so so dry back there!

I got to the B&B last night feeling a bit tired and so opted for a quick practice sketch. This scene was from a photo reference, but reminds me of the types of places I love to wander.

Today, it's grant-writing, more storms, and a late greensmen meeting, so if I don't get a chance to sketch at lunch, there will be little time during the rest of the evening. I so long for the time when I will have HOURS to ponder and paint! LOL

Thank you all again for your kind and most supportive comments yesterday. You cannot imagine how they encourage me to keep sketching, despite the hour, and to keep trying new things. Bless you for such kindnesses.

Off to get a few things done in the quiet of the day before the phone starts ringing .....


Anonymous said...

Lovely pastoral scene Lin -- and so peaceful. Makes one want to just walk right out into those trees through the fence! Yes, those "rain and storm paths" are very real here too. One unfortunate town near here keeps getting hit over and over while we (fortunately) are usually pretty lucky but still get lots of rain instead of the damaging winds and tornadoes. Hope I'm not jinxing us!!

Teri said...

It is just beautiful and serene Lin. Love it.

Joan said...

What a lovely rural lanscape!!! Perfect colors.

We've been luck that the rain we've had has been pretty much at night leaving me with fair weather for the beach. Heat and humidity are in store for today, so opted out of my plein air group that would be painting too far away from the cool beach breezes.