Friday, May 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

From bright, cheery sunshine to dark, foreboding storms -- I got in last night, had dinner, unpacked the car, and sat down to paint -- the light began to dim, grow dimmer, darken; lights began to flicker, and then the storm rolled in in its furry - crashes of thunder, streaks of lightning .... Yep, springtime in NC!

We should have a bit of sun throughout the day, but more storms tonight and most of tomorrow ... I think the 'weeds' are in cahoots with the weather as I am losing my battle with those pesky things!

Enjoy the day!


Teri said...

Wow, you got those storm clouds down perfect!!! Looks very forboding.

Joan said...

Super color and shape in your stormy clouds!!! Wow!!! Hope the weekend has better weather than in your lovely painting. lol

Have a great day!!

Lorraine said...

WOW. From all those sunny paintings to a perfectly rendered storm brewing. I love the way you did the clouds and the dark trees against them. You are SO multi-talented girl!!!

We too had storms last night and the thunder is again rumbling this morning but YEAH, husband got the grass cut last night before the first drops hit!!!

Enjoy your weekend and get in lots of painting time.