Daily Practice
I painted this scene from memory when C and I were in the mountains of NC. We had taken a walk through the woods, up the hill, across the stream, and at the opening in the forest came upon this view of the Smokey Mountains and former orchard. When we finished our hike, I painted this from the desk in the cabin ....
It's been a rough week of extraordinarily hot temperatures, and though the coastal counties have had a bit of rain, we're still scorched. Our Plant a Row for the Hungry folks come earlier and earlier to pick the vegetables, weed the garden and have a gardening lesson -- long before the worst heat of the day. Still, after an hour outdoors in the heat and humidity, we are all dripping wet and ready for air-conditioned relief. And to think we still have August (our worst heat month) to go ....
The sun isn't up yet and I'm running the sprinklers. The new windows are in -- and oh my look fantastic! We've some work to do on their trim and new window treatments - another busy weekend.
I hope to get some leisurely hours to paint -- my evening practice hasn't been very successful this week -
Stay cool .... and keep those brushes splashing!
Lovely scene and painting Lin. The Smokies are so beautiful -- rivaling my dear Green Mountains in VT. I also have a Smokies Mountain painting but NOTHING like yours!! I really like all the different types and colors of trees you put in.
We woke to rain today and as the weather usually does, it goes from one extreme to another -- we've got more than a week of it in the forecast. Hope it moves your way soon.
I'm so happy for you with the new windows. What a big job and ooh new sky lights -- wonderful.
Try to get in some much needed rest and painting this weekend.
WOW; your new Zazzle products are fantastic. I can't wait until I get a little extra cash. I will be outfitting myself with new shirts of all your beautiful artwork.Tee-rific! And all the other products too. What great gifts those will make.
What a beautiful and restful scene.
El lugar donde hacer los sueños posible.
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