Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall Apples

Fall Apples
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice
Journal Size

Fall is swiftly moving toward its end .... as I look out my office window, most of the treetops have lost their leaves, and the foliage, once bright and brilliant, has dulled to a wonderful sienna and rust. Oh, here and there a few trees have kept their colorful dresses -- but they've begun to look worn and tattered from wind and frost. The sun shines through these open spaces with more shine but less warmth, even when our temps reach 60F ...

We so enjoyed the grands last night and our pre-Thanksgiving dinner. Each time I see those two rascals, I'm AMAZED at how swiftly they're growing - Emily now reaching my chest - and Nick not too far behind. Growing up too with the games they want to play, their self-discipline, their reading ability ...I'll be soon watching them graduate! LOL

I painted this a while back, but haven't had a chance to post it ...I still enjoy this method, the freedom it seems to give, and the unexpected surprises that splashing and splattering produces ...

I want to do some practice pieces today with loose, wet strokes and see if I can get what's in my mind's eye to my paper ...I know some of my 'style' is changing as I'm thinking in different colors and methods ... This 'changing' place is awkward in results though -- a necessary thing I'm sure .. but challening all the less.

Keep those brushes wet today!


Lorraine said...

Gorgeous Lin. I love the shine on the apples and the varied color in the leaves. And of course the splattering which you so ably taught me and which I have yet to master!! And yum, I love crisp tart apples in the fall especially.
Enjoy your day and paint a lot!
Big hugs,

Teri said...

Beautiful apples and leaves.
Isn't it amazing how fast those grands grow!!