Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Belles at the Ball - Bill's Challenge

1/2 sheet
Arches 140#CP

The blossoms of spring , at least in our part of North Carolina, have passed quickly since the surge in hot weather about three weeks ago. Since then, the progression of blossoms have been steady, along with the emerald dressing of the trees. Now as I ride the country roads, I marvel at how FEW trees are left without at least a scattering of chartreuse. Our weather has played a game of 'truth or dare' with us --- a few days of high temperatures (in the 80s) followed by 'frost warnings' and temps in the 30s and 40sF1 Mercy!

So when Bill posted a spring challenge I was more than ready to return to those fresh, exciting blossoms that herald another turn of the earth toward the sun.

I painted my interpretation of Bill's photograph over the weekend as I rested from the plant sale. The temperature this weekend was in the low 40s accompanied by rain, grey skies, and snow in our mountains! So I really enjoyed this 'virtual' return to spring.

We've another busy week ahead - more workshops, letters to write, new problems to solve, and would you believe, more plants to begin as we grow them to fill the rest of our newly designed garden beds.

We've begun an Art Guild in my hometown that worked with our local banks and restaurants to place members' artwork. I am so pleased to say that ten of my pieces are now housed at a popular bank and will be there for four months. After that, I'll have a restaurant as a venue, followed by another. What a gift! Potential customers are to contact us, so I've my fingers crossed for some sales. And a big thanks to the founders of the Art Guild and their efforts!

This Friday Charles and I will attend an 'Art and Food Festival' in the town where I work. I'll have two paintings on display and the hall will be filled with luscious samples prepared by chefs from local restaurants ... yum. Another venue for artwork ...

Temperatures are supposed to rise a bit before another bout of rain followed by a dip in temperatures and another rise.

What a see-saw ride .. I feel like I'm six all over again! LOL


Vicki Holdwick said...

I love your art and haven't commented in awhile, but this one had to be praised.



Joan Tavolott said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!! This is gorgeous! You outdid yourself.

What the Art Guild is doing sounds like a great idea! Good luck with it. I had a very busy last 4 days and eventually I'll catch up to that on my blog. Enjoy the day!

maria said...

I'm just thrilled - better and more beautiful is not possible
greetings maria said...

Brilliant, best of luck to you at the shows.

Barb said...

Hi, I just happened upon your blog, OMG, what eye candy, you are soooo talented!!!
Thanks for sharing your art with us. Ü

Teri said...

Oh gasp!! gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

Lorraine said...

Oh my goodness this painting just GLOWS. I've been told over and over and read over and over that watercolors glow and the white from the paper glows through the colors. I've never been able to achieve that but Lin, you have achieved that beauty so well and today's painting is exceptional in that regard. I love the shapes and shadows and colors and of course the drips down the side towards the bottom. I can just see the sun shining on this.

So much news. Glad the plant sale went well and glad you had time to rest and paint.

CONGRATULATIONS on your paintings being shown in the various venues you describe. What a terrific thing for the town to do. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Money is so tight but as a famous man once said: If I have enough money for two loaves of bread, I buy one and then buy some art. I hope lots of people go on diets to buy your art. My body sure could afford to LOL.

Big hugs,

Aquarell said...

Liebe Lin. Was soll ich dazu sagen?
Es hat mir die Sprache verschlagen.

djr-aquarelle said...

it is the most outstanding interpretation that I can imagine, bravissima, Lin!

maria said...

liebe lin,
es fehlen mir di worte, sprachlos nicht in seattle, sondern in innsbruck.
einfach unglaublich, grandios, gewaltig...............und und.......
herzliche grüße
ich musste dir nochmals in deutsch schreiben, ich kann das in englisch nicht so ausdrücken wie ich möchte.......