Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Daylily - Done as My Demo for My Watercolor Class

10" x 13"
Arches 140#CP

I am teaching a four-part watercolor class at the Arboretum this month, and I painted this day lily (from the Arboretum gardens) as a demonstration for my students to show the various techniques I am teaching - washes, textures, glazing, splatter, dry brush, blowing paint.

Today we'll begin some of the flowers I've uploaded and see how everyone progresses. With only 2 classes remaining, I am anxious to get the students to begin to apply their newly learned skills.

I'd like to share a link to the interview that was done for the Clayton Arts Reception earlier this month.


I was truly honored and humbled by the incredible reception they held, the professionalism, the care they took to showcase my work, and the marvelous, wonderfully warm and generous folks who came out to share that evening with me.

We've another intense week as retirement 'count-down' continues. I'll be pretty much gone the rest of the week and I'll catch up as I can.

Have a great day!


Teri said...

Gorgeous again!! How I wish I could be there and take your class, those lucky people. You have come a long way my friend!

Joan Tavolott said...

Love the daylily!!! I am sure your students are LOVING your class!!! Great interview. It was good to see and hear you.

Lynn Cohen said...

You did a lovely job of painting the flower and it's fun to see all the techniques used too.

As for retirement DH is doing it as we speak! I can only think it's going to be quite wonderful for him. Wishing you or whom ever is retiring a happy time of it. The process can be a bit of a bear!

Aquarell said...

Oh, Lin... Deine Blume ist bezaubernd. Sehr plastisch.
Grüsse Dich