Monday, April 27, 2015


9/07 to 4/26/15

It is with extreme sadness that we put Pepper down today.

Apparently he had gotten into a fight with another animal and since he wasn't a lap cat, his gaping holes, infections, went unnoticed since they were under his rear leg. When he became lethargic and could hardly walk, we took him to the vet ... the infection was large and bad .... So grateful that Charles was home and with me.

It's always hard to say goodbye to someone you love, even if that someone is a cat.  Pepper was my shadow, my 'familiar', my companion...

I miss him already.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Apple Blossoms -- and Thank YOU!

Journal - Finally beginning to feel a bit more like myself!!!  Thank heavens -- and friends!  Along with the apple blossoms to cheer me, my generous, incredible friends and family have kept me company, brought gifts of food and flowers, chocolate and ice packs, spent the night to insure my getting around safely, encouraged me, and cheered me thru discouragement and pain.  Their giving and kindness aid my healing, and I am genuinely overwhelmed with gratitude.

Thank each and every one of you!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Gap

Journal -- I painted this last weekend - so the reference was for that period of time ..
Two beautiful days and we took advantage of the sunny 70F weather to walk at the GAP. Baseball games, bikers, walkers, the place was being fully utilized. I appreciated the benches - I could rest before walking more.

I've continued my progress with strengthening my leg and range of motion, but I am still plagued with the 'after surgery' fatigue that seems to take a while to get over.  I've painted a few things here and there, but I'm still finding it difficult to sit for longer than a few minutes at the computer.  But there has been progress.

Friends continue to bless me with their company and food and encouragement.  A few more weeks, and I should have enough stamina to return to commenting, painting and posting.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Journal -

Feeling so much better.  Outside it's 70F and sunny.

C takes me for a walk at the GAP (nice walking path at our athletic park), and it was crowded since a baseball game was going on.  So we had to park in the grass.  I walked the 50 feet or so and what that did was make me bend my knee -- just the kind of exercise I'm encouraged to do.

After the walk, we sat outside on the porch and I sketched some of the blooming plants that I can see.  This loropetalum is chock-ful  pf blossoms - so bright!  And those dang violets are everywhere!!!  Yes, the pollen is heavy and covers everything ... my seat was a wonderful 'yellow' .....! LOL

Thank you all for your well wishes.  I'm improving slowly - and walking most of the day without the walker.  Pain ever present but manageable.

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Sunday, April 05, 2015



Painted prior to surgery.

I wanted to wish everyone a most joyous Easter!  Progressing in baby steps, but moving forward.  A million thanks for your well wishes ... you simply cannot know how deeply I appreciate each one ...

Much love!