Thursday, November 19, 2020

Journal - Persimmons

Journal - Hachiya Persimmons - We have been most fortunate this year to find Fuyu persimmons ---! I LOVE that variety - they are sweet without needing to soften -- and I can eat them like an apple. But the Hachiya -- and other varieties like them, -- require softening before they are edible without leaving your tongue with a blanketlike feeling and a mouth puckered like a prune! Still, the Hachiya are the persimmons my mother loved and we had them each Thanksgiving and Christmas -- so I bought 4 for the holiday -- and HOPE they are ripe enough next week to eat. (Yes, spelling wrong on my journal page -- lol)


1 comment:

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Luscious painting. I've never had one!! They sound like a true treasure, and for you with nice memories...