Thursday, February 23, 2006

I've been tagged!

My first tagging!!! And sweet Linda did it!

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. field botanist and curator of a herbarium
2. wild food instructor (how to identify and cook wild plants)
3. magazine editor
4. special events coordinator for an island resort

Four Movies I can Watch Over and Over
1. Lady and the Tramp
2. Bambi
3. Under the Tuscan Sun
4. Sound of Music

Is my Pollyana showing yet?

Four Places I've Lived
1. Bad Windsheim, Germany
2. Brooklyn, NY
3. Charleston, SC
4. Chapel Hill, NC

Four TV Shows I Love .... errrr... WATCH errr .... sometimes
1. Carol Duvall (HGTV)
2. The Olympics
3. The News
4. I really don't watch much TV -- those listed are the few exceptions!

Four Places I've Vacationed
1. Sicily, Italy
2. Big Sky Montana
3. Asheville, NC
4. Wilmington, NC

Four of My Favorite Dishes
1. Veal Piccata with Lemon and Peppers
2. Lasagna
3. Seafood Pasta Alfredo
4. Did I mention I love pasta dishes??

Four Sites I Visit Daily --- ONLY FOUR??? Because I just ADORE their work, their spirit, their generosity, and their continued support:

1. Quotidian Curiosities - because I love her watercolors and the way she eagerly tries new things
2. lilypily daze - because I love her spirit, her work and our shared grandparenthood
3. Teri's Painted Daisies - because she is one adventuresome and kind soul whose work pushes me to try new things
4. Laurelines - because I LOVE her colors and looseness of line and thematic sketches

Four Places I Would Rather Be Now
2. Sicily
3. Rome
4. Venice

Did I mention that I want to go back to Italy??? LOL

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging because they've been so kind to me:
1. Laura
2. Teri
3. Terri
4. Kamuela - because we share this 'keep at it' journey together.


Teri said...

Oh boy, now I have to think instead of sketch! :)

I read back a few people and arn't we an interesting bunch! Now that I know everything about you Lin....:)

Thanks Lin

Linda said...

What a fun bunch of answers! I didn't realize you had such a background in natural science -- I'll have to use you as a reference source when I just can't identify a plant. (Actually -- seems like I have some sketches somewhere of some mystery berries ...) And veal picatta -- why didn't I think of veal picatta?

Anonymous said...

Lin, I'm sending you a big cyberkiss--you are such a delightful human being and I'm honored to be your friend. I've been tagged now four times and have so far managed to avoid following through. I promise Evy, Sutter, Chuck and now you that I will spill all one day. I promise ;D. Right now I feel as though it's all I can do to keep up with life.