I thought I'd try to sketch Rebecca's many salt and pepper shakers. My first attempt at her tiny crystal ones was too hilarious to even post .. I'm keeping those for when I'm depressed --they should have me rolling in laughter! LOL
But this white cow has kept me sketching company now for a long time, and it was about time I attempted to sketch him . Yes, he really is a salt (right) and pepper (left) shaker. And only my second attempt at sketching an animal! Well, sort of an animal! LOL
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Conference 2
One of the Board members was seated in front of me during this two hour meeting. I thought it was a great time to practice my 'people' sketching. Still have a LOT of work to do in this regard.
Conference 1
My day yesterday was filled almost entirely with meeting after meeting. I tried to be unobserved as I practiced my sketching. I really MUST remember to take a blank sheet of paper and pencil. Ballpoint just doesn't work very well for me.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Blogging, Comments, Busyness
I was driving to work this morning and thinking again about the conversations on the EDM group about busyness and internet addiction, blogging and time consumption, and I wanted to add a few thoughts.
My life is certainly a bit more intense and busier than I'd like BUT .... when I consider the questions under discussion: 'Why do you blog' "why do you comment on other people's blogs?" -- I want to answer that I do this for many reasons -- but mostly -- to encourage others ... and that's why I appreciate comments left on my blog.
As a true beginner in this watercolor/sketch journey (not quite 18 months now since I truly picked up a pencil to FINALLY take the time to learn to sketch) -- it were those very comments, encouraging remarks, that kept me trying to learn this skill --- over and over.
This morning, when I was reviewing the bananas below, the difference between the two was obvious -- even to me. And I know, sure as I am writing this, that there were many, many, many times when I looked at what I had sketched, at my slow progress, and wanted to throw my pencil and efforts out the window. But those words YOU left on my blog, taking time from YOUR own work, to encourage me, offer a glimmer of progress, a bit of improvement, a technique I should try .. well, for me ... THOSE very words kept me going when little else could have.
And so, if there is anything I have learned in this long life ... it's to pass it forward -- to pass it along ... and doing so is the only way I know to repay the countless generous folks for the encouragement they offered to me.
And so I will take the time to comment, blog, post ... so that someone else, who like me, is struggling, despairing, frustrated, or needing a friend .. well, then, by commenting and encouraging them, I feel I've helped repay those who took their time with me. It's my way of saying THANK YOU ...
And as if to confirm this, or in some cases when the Universe thinks one needs a good laugh, a woman left a message on my work phone this morning, asking me to help ENCOURAGE her son to take some of my classes so he too could continue on his horticultural journey ...
And while I believe in serendipity - this phone call coming after these thoughts were running in my mind seemed like such a confirmation .. and so, I just thought I'd pass them along -- to encourage you too.
My life is certainly a bit more intense and busier than I'd like BUT .... when I consider the questions under discussion: 'Why do you blog' "why do you comment on other people's blogs?" -- I want to answer that I do this for many reasons -- but mostly -- to encourage others ... and that's why I appreciate comments left on my blog.
As a true beginner in this watercolor/sketch journey (not quite 18 months now since I truly picked up a pencil to FINALLY take the time to learn to sketch) -- it were those very comments, encouraging remarks, that kept me trying to learn this skill --- over and over.
This morning, when I was reviewing the bananas below, the difference between the two was obvious -- even to me. And I know, sure as I am writing this, that there were many, many, many times when I looked at what I had sketched, at my slow progress, and wanted to throw my pencil and efforts out the window. But those words YOU left on my blog, taking time from YOUR own work, to encourage me, offer a glimmer of progress, a bit of improvement, a technique I should try .. well, for me ... THOSE very words kept me going when little else could have.
And so, if there is anything I have learned in this long life ... it's to pass it forward -- to pass it along ... and doing so is the only way I know to repay the countless generous folks for the encouragement they offered to me.
And so I will take the time to comment, blog, post ... so that someone else, who like me, is struggling, despairing, frustrated, or needing a friend .. well, then, by commenting and encouraging them, I feel I've helped repay those who took their time with me. It's my way of saying THANK YOU ...
And as if to confirm this, or in some cases when the Universe thinks one needs a good laugh, a woman left a message on my work phone this morning, asking me to help ENCOURAGE her son to take some of my classes so he too could continue on his horticultural journey ...
And while I believe in serendipity - this phone call coming after these thoughts were running in my mind seemed like such a confirmation .. and so, I just thought I'd pass them along -- to encourage you too.
Bananas - Revisited
As I searched for a 'sketch' subject this weekend, I spotted some bananas my husband picked up for the grandchildren's visit. I hadn't sketched fruit in a while and thought I'd give the bananas another go.
I then remembered that I had sketched bananas before, so I searched my blog to find that I had done so almost a year ago.
These were sketched in February 2006.
I then compared these to the ones I sketched and watercolored this weekend ... and surprised myself with the differences in the values, light, lines.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sage Candle
Another busy day yesterday. Spent a good portion of it working on values again and cleaning some of the hudreds of family photos off my computer and putting them on DVDs. My computer at home has slowed down to a crawl, so I thought I'd try to remove items from its memory in hopes of the speed and efficiency increasing.
We also had the grands last night for a visit and dinner ... and hence, a quick pen and watercolor done in poor light waiting for the computer to write yet one more DVD!
I am so missing sufficient time to devote to my art study! This SHOULD be the last insane work week for a while! (Says she with fingers crossed!)
We also had the grands last night for a visit and dinner ... and hence, a quick pen and watercolor done in poor light waiting for the computer to write yet one more DVD!
I am so missing sufficient time to devote to my art study! This SHOULD be the last insane work week for a while! (Says she with fingers crossed!)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Flat Iron
Rebecca's B&B is filled with all sorts of wonderful knicks knacks. Just before I left for home, I had a few minutes to sketch and was wandering around her rooms looking for an inspired 'sketch object.'
She bend down to the fireplace, and handed me this heavy flat iron.
"Sketch this," she told me, "It's the iron I really used when I was a teen." She went on to explain how she'd heat the iron by the fire (where it resides now), swipe the bottom with a cloth to remove the dust, and then proceed to iron her husband's starched white shirts.
Rebecca has always wanted to keep a journal and started one a while back for her husband before his alzheimers worsened to the point of having to place him in a nursing home. She's watched me for over a year sit at her kitchen table and sketch her beloved odds and ends, and always remarks that she's like to learn how to draw and keep a journal for herself, but she simply doesn't have enough time.
She doesn't have a computer or Internet connections, and yet she knows I blog and have written about her. I think it tickles her to think someone out 'there' is also enjoying some of the flowers she grows or her momentos.
I'm thinking, even though some of my sketches are rather poor, that she might like a collection of these for her children and grands, journal-fashion, as momentos of the flowers and things she loves, and a representation of kind and generous woman she is.
I'll give this some thought.
She bend down to the fireplace, and handed me this heavy flat iron.
"Sketch this," she told me, "It's the iron I really used when I was a teen." She went on to explain how she'd heat the iron by the fire (where it resides now), swipe the bottom with a cloth to remove the dust, and then proceed to iron her husband's starched white shirts.
Rebecca has always wanted to keep a journal and started one a while back for her husband before his alzheimers worsened to the point of having to place him in a nursing home. She's watched me for over a year sit at her kitchen table and sketch her beloved odds and ends, and always remarks that she's like to learn how to draw and keep a journal for herself, but she simply doesn't have enough time.
She doesn't have a computer or Internet connections, and yet she knows I blog and have written about her. I think it tickles her to think someone out 'there' is also enjoying some of the flowers she grows or her momentos.
I'm thinking, even though some of my sketches are rather poor, that she might like a collection of these for her children and grands, journal-fashion, as momentos of the flowers and things she loves, and a representation of kind and generous woman she is.
I'll give this some thought.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I know -- I know -- it's horribly kerwonity -- but it was a quick sketch done on a busy night ...!!!
This is the 6-cell of basil plants Rebecca brought home back in NOVEMBER when we did the container gardening class ..... mine have all died! SIGH Hers have benefitted from the best little grow-light around ... right on her kitchen window ...
We enjoy bits of this herb with our breakfast eggs...
This is the 6-cell of basil plants Rebecca brought home back in NOVEMBER when we did the container gardening class ..... mine have all died! SIGH Hers have benefitted from the best little grow-light around ... right on her kitchen window ...
We enjoy bits of this herb with our breakfast eggs...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tulip Value Application
I've been paying more attention to values lately and trying to understand how important contrasts are in a painting. I've struggled (and still am) with dark values, for some reason! I remember for one of the EDM challenges, I did a sketch of a glass of water, moaning all the while the difficult time I had with the dark valued background. LOL
While I have so loved the various hues in the rose practice over the last day, the botanist in me was struggling mightily to find a way to create a flower painting using actual colors of the flower and yet include a good range of values -- including DARKS!
This simple tulip took me several hours to do -- using the techniques and methods I've been learning and adding many glazes to enrich the colors.
I mixed my paints (the dabs at the top of the page) in order to 'test' them for value range before adding them to the tulip. It took quite a while to get a deep enough red that I was happy with.
After styding the tulip this morning, there is still a predominance of mid-values -- I think I could have used this time instead of DARKS, more LIGHTS!! LOL
But it's closer to what I was seeing, and the rest I got last night was good, indeed!
While I have so loved the various hues in the rose practice over the last day, the botanist in me was struggling mightily to find a way to create a flower painting using actual colors of the flower and yet include a good range of values -- including DARKS!
This simple tulip took me several hours to do -- using the techniques and methods I've been learning and adding many glazes to enrich the colors.
I mixed my paints (the dabs at the top of the page) in order to 'test' them for value range before adding them to the tulip. It took quite a while to get a deep enough red that I was happy with.
After styding the tulip this morning, there is still a predominance of mid-values -- I think I could have used this time instead of DARKS, more LIGHTS!! LOL
But it's closer to what I was seeing, and the rest I got last night was good, indeed!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
After a week traveling across the state, a return to a 14 hour day, a return to an hour of aerobics after a two-week sitting stint, phone calls, students, distractions at the B&B, dinner after 8:30 PM, my watercolor practice was so pitiful and interrupted, that I finally succombed to my constant enemy -- TIME. By 9:30 I was bleary-eyed, frustrated and irritable -- and called it quits for the night.
I left the kitchen table (site of the only high-wattage lighting), got into PJs, slid under a warm, electric blanket, and sans contact lenses, sketched my enemy.
I'm going to have to find a way to practice newly acquired 'watercolor aha moments' so I don't lose momentum (or memory!! LOL) in a way that also permits all the intense obligations of this away from home worklife. I didn't find it yesterday.
I'm hoping for a glimmer of an idea today.
I left the kitchen table (site of the only high-wattage lighting), got into PJs, slid under a warm, electric blanket, and sans contact lenses, sketched my enemy.
I'm going to have to find a way to practice newly acquired 'watercolor aha moments' so I don't lose momentum (or memory!! LOL) in a way that also permits all the intense obligations of this away from home worklife. I didn't find it yesterday.
I'm hoping for a glimmer of an idea today.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
EDM 103 Exercise Equipment
Although I often use weights for some of my aerobic exercises and certainly the machines I use several times a week contain varying weights, I rely more on my walking shoes for my daily exercise -- I hope to get a chance to sketch those this week.
Rose - Application from Theory
Continuing with my practice ... I've tried to take some of my recent attempts at looseness and blending to a more detailed rose (sketch practice). Though I find the blue a bit harsh, and will be working to find a similiar value in a different hue, I sort of like this application of theory.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tree Practice
Using a general 'non-specific tree type' outline, this is continued practice of watercolor methods. I'm afraid I added too much dark paint in too similiar areas, but the practice was really very helpful. I find thinking in negative shapes to be a most difficult method used in watercolor. I have to work my mind around what I am SEEING to imagine what I'm NOT seeing.
I'll be practicing MORE of these to be sure!
I'll be practicing MORE of these to be sure!
Roses - My Favorite
After dozens (oh yes, dozens!) of roses, I think this is my favorite. I just love the bit of light on the petals and the way the colors blend ....
Roses - Again
A generous, kind friend is helping me with my watercolor techniques and methods, and I'm devoting much of my time to learning these well.
I've been interested for a long time, too, to learn how to 'loosen up' my watercolors, and this practice is moving me in that direction as well. Having fresh eyes and experience reviewing my methods and attempts will help me to eliminate bad habits before they've become too ingrained. You cannot imagine my gratitude for this gift. I hope to show my appreciation for this effort and time by devoting much, much time to practice and learning -- well.
Here are some simple roses, done with a limited pallete. They use a graded wash -- probably something I should have been practicing when I started watercolor 15 months ago -- but somehow didn't find or take the time to do OR learn well enough.
Funny thing ... I have been truly drooling over these kinds of paintings for lo, 15 months!! and they look so so simple ... and in my misconception of that simplicity, thought I could just randomly splash some paint on paper and then add a bit more and achieve that wonderful variation/blend that says "loose" to me. HA! What did I think I knew?? LOL
What I am learning now, is that often the most simple of watercolor paintings are often from the most experienced and learned hands, AFTER many months and years of that darn "P" word -- PRACTICE! Oh yes -- another "P" word -- PATIENCE!
And my admiration for these wise, talented, dedicated souls who pull this off painting after painting, time after time -- is even more amplified.
All from a simple rose and the generosity of a friend.
I've been interested for a long time, too, to learn how to 'loosen up' my watercolors, and this practice is moving me in that direction as well. Having fresh eyes and experience reviewing my methods and attempts will help me to eliminate bad habits before they've become too ingrained. You cannot imagine my gratitude for this gift. I hope to show my appreciation for this effort and time by devoting much, much time to practice and learning -- well.
Here are some simple roses, done with a limited pallete. They use a graded wash -- probably something I should have been practicing when I started watercolor 15 months ago -- but somehow didn't find or take the time to do OR learn well enough.
Funny thing ... I have been truly drooling over these kinds of paintings for lo, 15 months!! and they look so so simple ... and in my misconception of that simplicity, thought I could just randomly splash some paint on paper and then add a bit more and achieve that wonderful variation/blend that says "loose" to me. HA! What did I think I knew?? LOL
What I am learning now, is that often the most simple of watercolor paintings are often from the most experienced and learned hands, AFTER many months and years of that darn "P" word -- PRACTICE! Oh yes -- another "P" word -- PATIENCE!
And my admiration for these wise, talented, dedicated souls who pull this off painting after painting, time after time -- is even more amplified.
All from a simple rose and the generosity of a friend.
Monday, January 22, 2007
EDM 102 Power Plug
We carried this European Adaptor Plug to Sicily with us to help convert our 110 cord plug into a 220 socket -- it worked so well!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Though lacking in depth, I really liked the color blend so I thought I'd post it nonetheless. I'm still practicing my roses! and find that sketching various ones keeps me on my toes.
I'm going to give this rose a makeover later today to see if I can get it closer to reality.
I'm going to give this rose a makeover later today to see if I can get it closer to reality.
Table Fern
I'm finally finished with my two conferences and half of the class I teach on Saturdays -- YAHOO!! Now to relax and catch up with artwork (and of course, chores!!) LOL
With little time between conference sessions, and interactive activities for the sessions, sketching time was at a premium.
I managed to sketch this table fern just before the sessions began.
With little time between conference sessions, and interactive activities for the sessions, sketching time was at a premium.
I managed to sketch this table fern just before the sessions began.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Window at Camp Caraway, NC
I'm back from my first conference, teaching all day today, and then another conference this afternoon ...
But here is a glimpse at the fantastic window that led from the main room at the Conference Center to the porch. Since it was so cold and the snow was still on the trees, most folks remained in the warmth of the room in the small amount of time we had between sessions.
But here is a glimpse at the fantastic window that led from the main room at the Conference Center to the porch. Since it was so cold and the snow was still on the trees, most folks remained in the warmth of the room in the small amount of time we had between sessions.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A peek behind the petal

I wanted to sketch one more tulip before I had to leave for my conference. When I sat in front of the vase of tulips, this rather 'immodest' blossom was right before my eyes! I just had to sketch it!
There is something so provocative about flowers -- and tulips in particular: smooth petals, sensual curves, and here, this seemingly Georgia O'Keeffe-ish perspective!
I'm halfway to the conference -- it's snowing -- things are delayed ... egads!
Single Tulip
I am so enjoying this vase of tulips and will do one more sketch before I leave for a three day conference and a Saturday work-day. I'll be scarce until Sunday unless the conference site has Internet access.
But I'll be sketching daily ... and look forward to seeing everyone's work when I get back.
Meanwhile -- stay warm! The temperatures are dropping.
But I'll be sketching daily ... and look forward to seeing everyone's work when I get back.
Meanwhile -- stay warm! The temperatures are dropping.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Three Tulips
I am so enamored with ink and wash ... and I'll keep practicing it myself until I can render it the way I imagine in my mind.
On the way back from the park Sunday, we stopped and picked up a small cluster of tulips for my "sketch subject" ...
(These look so much better in my sketchbook than on the screen!!)
On the way back from the park Sunday, we stopped and picked up a small cluster of tulips for my "sketch subject" ...
(These look so much better in my sketchbook than on the screen!!)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Eno River 1 17 07
It was an absolutely glorious day yesterday, and rather than spend yet another day in the house, C and I headed down the road for a walk at our favorite park. We took the trail we ususally walk on New Year's Day--one of our New Year's Day traditions, but didn't get to this year for all our company.
The path was a bit damp from all the rain, and muddy, slick with fallen, yet to be decomposed leaves, but we went slowly over the rocks and roots and rested at the river's edge.
I've attempted these particular rocks and water before
http://viewfromtheoak.blogspot.com/2006/01/hike-at-west-point-on-eno.html but attempting it THIS time, with a playful attitude (and oh yes, a full year of daily sketching practice) CERTAINLY made a huge difference! LOL
I'm not sure the shadows work -- but I really like the rocks!
Some folks use a portrait done year after year to gauge their progress ....perhaps this scene will be my yardstick ...
The path was a bit damp from all the rain, and muddy, slick with fallen, yet to be decomposed leaves, but we went slowly over the rocks and roots and rested at the river's edge.
I've attempted these particular rocks and water before
http://viewfromtheoak.blogspot.com/2006/01/hike-at-west-point-on-eno.html but attempting it THIS time, with a playful attitude (and oh yes, a full year of daily sketching practice) CERTAINLY made a huge difference! LOL
I'm not sure the shadows work -- but I really like the rocks!
Some folks use a portrait done year after year to gauge their progress ....perhaps this scene will be my yardstick ...
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Rose with Waterbrush
My typical method of applying paint - using a waterbrush. Again, I think the pinks need a bit of darkening for greater contrast.
These exercises sure have me admiring those folks who product glorious watercolors with SEEMINGLY little effort ... WOW! Maybe some day ....
These exercises sure have me admiring those folks who product glorious watercolors with SEEMINGLY little effort ... WOW! Maybe some day ....
Rose with Brush
Another value study of this rose. I used a synthetic brush -- something I ususally use when I'm at home and not on the road -- and mostly for linework. I need to get used to this tool much more than I am. Comparing this rose to the one in which I really concentrated on values -- I need to darken the pinks for greater contrast. I want to do this without messing up the delicate light throughout ... This alone will be another lesson! LOL
Rose Value Studies
A dear, generous friend is helping me with my watercolors. We're focusing on value studies at the moment. I've chosen roses to practice since I also need the sketching practice, and roses can be a challenge, though after doing and redoing this one rose, I think I should be able to sketch this one in my sleep!! lOL
I scanned and check the values of paint and compared them to the photo reference I was using ... I've begun to realize that my images have a predominance of mid-tones and could really use (in my opinion) a bit of darker values for spunk. So after this comparison, I used the paints to come closer to the image of my intent.
I really like this -- to me, the colors pop -- I realize the painting is overworked since I did and redid and redit to focus on the colors. But it sure was a good lesson!
I scanned and check the values of paint and compared them to the photo reference I was using ... I've begun to realize that my images have a predominance of mid-tones and could really use (in my opinion) a bit of darker values for spunk. So after this comparison, I used the paints to come closer to the image of my intent.
I really like this -- to me, the colors pop -- I realize the painting is overworked since I did and redid and redit to focus on the colors. But it sure was a good lesson!
Nick's Birthday Party
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Rebeccas Early Spring Bouqet
Rebecca's table vases always reflect what is blooming in her wonderful garden. Here, she's unconsciously showed the unusual weather we've been experiencing with the juxtaposition of early spring daffodils against the winter red-berries of Nandina! She's added two red hearts in preparation of Valentine's Day.
I like the loose, playful feeling of this sketch ...
I like the loose, playful feeling of this sketch ...
Friday, January 12, 2007
Trying for a wet in wet rose
The top rose I sketched back in December -- and came close to getting the highlights correct ...
The purple/pink rose is my attempt last night for wet-in-wet ... but again, I need to pay more attention to highlights -- though the values are closer. I went back in to darken a few areas ...
The purple/pink rose is my attempt last night for wet-in-wet ... but again, I need to pay more attention to highlights -- though the values are closer. I went back in to darken a few areas ...
Rose for Mom
Yesterday was my mom's 84th birthday -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! The rose is her favorite flower ....
I remember growing up how she'd have so many rose bushes all around our home -- and how their scent filled each room ....
(My attempt at wet-in-wet -- but I needed to pay more attention to values here ....)
I remember growing up how she'd have so many rose bushes all around our home -- and how their scent filled each room ....
(My attempt at wet-in-wet -- but I needed to pay more attention to values here ....)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Last night I sketched callas for my dear daughter and her husband who leaves today for several months of training before he leaves for Iraq. My heart breaks for this absence, especially because HER daughter is a mere nine months old, and my dd works a demanding, full-time, stress-filled job. She (and he) will be facing multiple challenges in the next year, and so I painted callas (her favorite flower) and said prayers with each pencil line, and more with each stroke of paint.
God-speed, my dear son-in-law .... may angels rest on your family's shoulders......
God-speed, my dear son-in-law .... may angels rest on your family's shoulders......
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
EDM 101 Soap
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
It was such a grey rainy morning yesterday, so I sketched some loose tulips to bright up the grey day.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Nick Turns Two
A few images of Nick's birthday -- the cupcakes I baked, the 'candies' on top -- which he and Emily LOVED -- and his candle.
I cannot believe how fast the year has flown!
I cannot believe how fast the year has flown!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Nick Turns Two

Nick turned two today !!!
I baked him some cupcakes and C and I went to visit him with his gifts. Both he and Emily enjoyed the cupcakes AND the new markers and coloring books. The markers are Crayola's MAGIC markers -- they only make a mark on the special coloring book .. YEAH!
A few photos of the birthday boy and the artists at work!
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