Saturday, February 20, 2010


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

In homage to the warming trend we're having this weekend and the glimpse of a few crocuses at the arboretum, I painted this loose, bunch of bright flowers. I wanted a less rigid, less defined interpretation, so some of my edges aren't as 'exact' as they might be. The crocus colors cheer me and the bits of purple give me hope that spring is truly on its way.

However, the forecast for next week is for us to have another 'event' -- rain that just might be another snowfall. It is truly unusual for this part of NC to experience so much snow and such cold winters.

BTW, our 'Plant a Row' class was well attended -- including the media! And our volunteers had a BALL in the greenhouse where our temps were a balmy mid 70F!

I managed to get a number of chores done yesterday, took a much needed nap, and today, we'll get a few more obligations behind us.

Stay well!


Lorraine said...

Ah a real breath of spring! I love the softness of the crocuses and especially the vibrant colors. Lovely!

Glad you got a bit of rest and things accomplished.

Now paint and enjoy your weekend.

Joan said...

This just shouts SPRINGTIME!!!! I love the warm yellows. Lovely job!!

Have a great weekend!