Saturday, June 29, 2019

Journal - Southport House #113

Journal - Yesterday morning was bright and just a bit cooler than the past few days. My frriend Katie and I got together to paint another Southport house. We sat near #113 on a downtown street - she painting the house to th left, me, #113. As we were just finishing up, the owner of the house I sketched came out to take her dog to the vet. She came over, admired my sketch, and offered to buy it. She was so sweet - I tore it from my sketchbook and gave it to her. Her kindness made my day!

1 comment:

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Wow, you gave it to her!! Lin, I don't think she was being just kind, I think she truly loved this beautiful tribute to her home! I love the light in this painting too. So, we share a guiding influence of Frederick different from the world of commercial illustration....