Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sketchbook Journal - Yellow Fields on the First Day of Spring

Sketchbook Journal - First day of spring had me remembering those yellow fields I so loved in Oxford. Twice a year we'd take a road trip to find fields of yellow mustard so I could take photos and later sketch -- I especially loved those fields when they also included a barn or two ... I sketched this in my Stillman and Birn Alpha journal - trying again to learn how to apply my watercolors on this smooth paper ... BTW, I added those haybales after I did the yellow fields - just had to have a hay bale! LOL



Debbie Nolan said...

Lin this is lovely and certainly makes me think of spring. Also love the barn and hay bales. They add so much interest. Have a super week. Hugs!

Joan Tavolott said...

I've always loved your barns and hay bales! Nice to see them again!!