Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cone Flowers and Trelllis

Cone Flowers and Trelllis
Originally uploaded by linfrye
I can tell the seasons are beginning to turn as, unlike these cone flowers, my own are beginning to droop and turn into dark brown seedheads. I"ve begun the process of seed-spreading for next years flowers -- a certain sign that summer is winding down.

We also got a welcome hint of fall yesterday with temperatures in the low 80s, a clear Carolina blue sky and mild winds .. so welcome after days of intense heat.

We're off today to continue the clean-up and reorganization house project. But coming home to a newly painted house this week, with most of the clutter gone, was like entering a brand NEW home -- fresh, clean and welcoming. Now if only my muscles would enjoy the freshness instead of remembering all the work!


Anonymous said...

Oh they are lovely; I've always loved cone flowers and yours are beautifully portrayed. We're still in the dog days of August, having had our "cooler respite" earlier in the month.

Joan said...

I love the pinks and the greens in this one. I'm glad you had some "cooler" temps. We did too, but I'm sure we'll get some hot days in September.

Carol Bonomo said...

This is a wonderful painting, Lyn. By the end of the summer, *I* feel like those gently drooping flowers you created!

Sandy said...

Oh Lin, I agree it is bitter sweet to see summer wain and yet I love autumn! These cone flowers are Lasting and Gorgeous, you last oak post is fabulous as well, love the soft greens! Enjoy these days!

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Love the coneflowers-these are native to Iowa, so just feel like home!
hugs, chris

Felicity Grace said...

Oh, I like this composition - the organic shapes of the flowers against that geometric background - lovely juxtaposition!

Teri said...

Such pretty coneflowers Lin. Mine are already drooping and the temp was in the 40's this am-yikes! time to head toward AZ.