Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crocus - Two Challenges

Crocus - Two Challenges
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Two dear friends assisted with this through their suggestions and challenges: MamaKay ( asked for a crocus to warm up the cold, snowy weather she's experiencing, and Laure ( challenged both of us to do another pencilless painting.

I've also been reading as much as I can about painting 'shapes' .. as mentioned last week. Tony Couch "Watercolor - You Can Do it" and Robert Wade "Wades Watercolor Workshop" give some suggestions about value painting and this has helped me conceptualize the idea a bit more. It's going to take a bit of practice to really feel comfortable working through the ideas in my mind to the results on the paper.

Still, as Laure says in her flickr above, painting this way really pulls the mind into concentration -- you're thinking so hard and are so focused .... a good thing I believe.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I think that nasty bug is finally heading out so my date with the writing and research will have to be done today or tomorrow. Approaching deadlines really make me nervous! LOL

We're warming up to the 50s and 60s tomorrow, with ice and snow predicted for Tuesday -- go figure. As Fred predicted, we'll see our crocus under snow before spring arrives to be sure!

Meantime, those bright green crocus leaves are certainly a tease!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow and Fence

Snow and Fence
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Oh so good to be home, though that popular 24-hour virus caught up with me .... still, by the time I unpacked, did some laundry and got my paints out, I was feeling a bit better. A good night's sleep, a welcome home by C and my kitties, a check-in with my daughter and son, and life became less frenetic, and the world was slowly returning to normal, or at least I had enough energy to cope with it! LOL

I wanted to do a quick sketch last night since I was stil a bit under the weather, and since snow is predicted again for Tuesday, I thought I'd do a very fast snow scene that might be seen in my rural NC.

It's overcast this morning, and the sky is pretty grey. I have more writing to do, but I hope to return to the art table for a while ...

Stay warm everyone.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Green and Growing Display

Green and Growing Display
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Back at work, and with the current economic conditions, I returned to to some major personnel changes, overwhelming paperwork, and looming deadlines. Quite a time.

This is another display from the Green and Growing Conference we attended earlier this month. The deep greens and bright flowers are a sure 'pick me up' in the grey, cool weather, and the upsetting changes at work.

Despite the snow, ice, cold, and up and down temps, I do see crocus leaves popping out here and there ... spring can't be too far off ....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Display from the Green and Growing Conference

It's been a mighty busy time here, but lots of fun. Taylor and I have had the most fun playing picnic, dollhouses, painting together, shopping a bit, and Riley has been the sweetest 'little' sister. Watching Taylor with Riley has been incredibly -- such sweet tenderness!

I've had a few minutes at a time to paint a bit, and thought I'd use some of the photos I took from the Green and Growing Show. So many wonderful displays of landscapes....very cheerful in the throes of winter!

I head back to work later this morning--much going on there as well. Intensity seems to be a perfect word for the last few weeks ...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
There's been scant time to finish any paintings .. and without a scanner, this sketch is off from my monitor -- it's pale yellow .. and is Riley's bassinet .. so adorable in pale yellow an dprimary colors for her mobile.

I'll be heading back to work tomorrow afternoon .. so I hope to catch up with everyone this weekend.

Riley Home

Riley Home
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Riley, Mom and Dad came home yesterday to the wonderful chaos that 'new additions' bring. Tayler helped mommy get settled, and we're all doing so well! Thank you for your congratulations and well wishes!

Today is a day of adjusting, a few chores and doctor visits ... busy times, but so joy-filled.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

I painted this sketch a while ago, and since I don't have scanner opportunities, thought I'd post it while T is asleep and the rest of the family is still in the hospital.

It's been a busy time -- Taylor and I spent the day with Mom, Dad, Riley and T's other grandparents, aunt and cousins. Everyone is doing so well, just pretty tired.

T and I have had a grand time playing, painting a bit, making dinner, laundry, and getting the house ready for everyone's return tomorrow.

I like the pink in this flower for Tayler and Riley .. and of course, their precious mom ....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fence and Flowers

Fence and Flowers
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Got to run ... just got a call, my daughter is getting ready to deliver her second child.... I'm off to SC ... and will be back on Flickr when I can ...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pencilless Painting of a Tangerine - Virtual Sketch Date

This Month's Virtual Sketch Date - a simple, peeled tangerine. I thought I'd give it a try, BUT attempt a style that I admire, but have the most difficult time doing and/or achieving. I thought if I eliminated the pencil line drawing (which I LOVE), I'd get a more looser approach -- and I think I did. (Though I have to admit, my hands were atingle just 'itching' for that pencil!!!)

For me, this 'style' is so counter-intuitive and difficult. It required far more thinking AHEAD -- where in many cases, I'm 'thinking' through my painting process WITH a pencil. In this case, the thought had to be 'firmed up' before brush hit paper -- more time in my mind than on the paper. And probably a good thing.

I learned (and continue to learn) how to draw only 3 1/2 years ago, and to me, using the pencil continues that learning process, and probably my dependence on it. As I learned to watercolor at the same time, combining the two seemed a natural thing to do.

With a bit more experience under my belt, I'm wondering how to lessen one or the other to achieve that elusive 'more spontaneous' look I love, yet seems to elude me on a consistent basis. This nagging 'style' thing seems to come up several times each year ... so I"m wondering if it's simply an internal push to try new things and move to the next level for what I"m doing artwise.

I'll play a bit more, think even more. Any recommendations or suggetions, books concerning this or ideas, would be greatly appreciated. Maybe it's simply a process that I need to work through, and I shouldn't worry about it ... but it sure has my mind 'engaged' ....! LOL

Today is a workday for me -- I simply must get more writing done. With three 'snow days' this week, I'm way behind. But the temps are going to be higher than normal -- in the mid 50sF! So I may just have to take a walk in the slush later today to clear my mind from both writing and style issues!

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
A break from the snow, a warm, early spring day, joyful experiences, family, friends, and the Muse on your shoulder -- all wishes for your happiest of birthdays, Bev!!

May it be one of the very best!

It's back to work today, and after a week of school closings and delays, it's going to be a doozie ...but I so enjoyed the leisure time to paint!

It's warming up a bit, and tomorrow, after a week of snow, ice and frigid temps, it promises to be in the 50sF! Yep, it's that old saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute, and it will change."

So hoping you too get a bit of warm weather this weekend, Bev, and enjoy your birthday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snowstorm - Oxford NC

Snowstorm - Oxford NC
Originally uploaded by linfrye
This is the view from my porch yesterday -- the first significant snowstorm we had in four years. Schools were closed as were some businesses. Today, the threat of black ice and refreezing of the slush from yesterday's melt has closed the schools and businesses again . YAHOO!

And with the snow, two days to join the celebrations and hopes for our new president. I spent the day between the camera shutter, art table and television watching as millions of others from around the world experienced history being made and the spirit of our country rise and soar. Momentous!

We join our President in hope, pledge, and prayers for the wisdom to lead us out of the mess we're in, to truly bring about the changes so desperately needed and desired.

What a day! What a moment in time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rose in Snow - Teri's Challenge / A Day For History

History is being made today with the inauguration of President Obama ... Living on the southern route to Washington DC, our roadsigns have been proclaiming 'traffic alerts' for weeks ....

To add to this historic moment, it is SNOWING - an event that hasn't happened in the coast and piedmont of North Carolina for several years!

I know the snow will make traveling to DC even more challenging than the traffic produced by thousands of folks heading there, and I hope for their safety. Our schools are closed and the inaugural events scheduled at the school have been cancelled.

Still, the child in me is so enjoying "my own' snowfall!

My dear blogging friend, Teri, posted an incredible winter rose photo from her friend who agreed to allow us to paint it ... Teri offered the photo as a challenge -- and I so enjoyed two of my favorite subjects -- flowers AND snow! (See the original photo on Teri's Flickr here:

I tried using salt to effect the frost, but for some reason, I couldn't make that work well enough -- so, I resorted to a bit of masking and my incredible Bombay India Ink.

I'm hoping to get out of the house when the sun rises to take a few photos for painting references. If I turn on the outside lights, I can see the snow softly falling...

What a day for history!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Painters Challenge, Cuckmere Breakwater

A few weeks ago, Bill posted a challenge - to paint this scene from his photograph ( I've watched many of my incredibly talented flickr friends rise to the challenge and paint some AWESOME paintings!

It took me a couple of weeks to build up my nerve (and to have a day without other obligations) to give it a try. I can say without hesitation -- it was DEFINITELY a challenge! And a wonderful learning experience. Thank you, Bill, for setting the bar higher -- and a thank you to the other artists who tackled this long before me, for their encouragement. Many of their works can be found here (

Our temps are warming -- mid 30s -- and would you believe it -- after all the snow I've been painting -- there's snow in our forecast! We'll see ..... Snow for us typically means everything shuts down -- we folks from the south do not 'do' snow with any kind of significant experience! lol

Stay warm, everyone!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Road through the Snow

Road through the Snow
Originally uploaded by linfrye
It seems as though the workweek just won't end ... but the light at the end of the tunnel is near -- thank heavens!

Returning to Greensboro to the last day of the conference was certainly a test – test of working batteries, pipes, the kind of lethargy frigid temperatures produce, and finding my own cheeriness despite cold fingers and toes! But my students and instructors were as intrepid as I, and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing our cohorts and friends and the incredible display of new plants, equipment, and supplies that promise spring.

I got home late yesterday to change and take our grandchildren out for dinner since we missed Nick's birthday party last week. We returned to their home to open gifts and play a while ... so it was a very long, tiring day, with a lot of driving.

This morning, our pipes are in better shape, and it's warmed to the low 30s ...! Yahoo! Funny how the creaks and moans of the house, freezing and thawing, adjusting to the various temperatures, make us ever grateful for the properties of the materials the comprise our dwellings -- brick, clay, stone, wood -- and the expansion and contraction abilities of these resorces. Us, too, adjusting ourselves with coats and gloves, hats and scarfs makes me smile ... all this accommodating and adjusting ... and grateful as well.

Stay warm ---! The flowers are really coming --- I saw them -- and they are glorious!

Lovely Blog Award

Lovely Blog Award
Originally uploaded by linfrye
My sweet friend, Spinneretta ( writes and illustrates a beautiful blog -- and honored me this week with this award --- THANK YOU!!!!!

I've only this morning had a moment to sit and think before posting, so I apologize for my tardiness in recognizing this wonderful compliment!

THANk YOU once again!

You can also view her incredible work on Flickr:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crocus - Hoping for the Warmth

It's 10F this morning. The pipes upstairs are frozen -- as am I ...

When I got home from my terrific painting day yesterday (it is always SO GOOD to paint with friends!!), my sweet husband had rigged a heater in the garage for the kitties ... and that act of kindness just about made me sob!

It's been so deeply cold and I cannot fathom how folks further north with temps in the minuses cope with it. Mercy.

So today, crocus ... a hope for warmer weather soon!! When I left the arboretum earlier this week, I spotted the leaves of several crocus and hyacinth poking through the ground. I don't know if they'll survive this bitter weather ...

I'm off to the trade show portion of the conference. The blooming, greenhouse grown plants will brighten the day ... but it will be a mighty cold one nonetheless.

Stay warm .. stay safe.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Snowy Road

Snowy Road
Originally uploaded by linfrye
The temps this morning are in the low teens; the heater is running non-stop; the kitties are cuddled up in an easy chair in the garage; and we've another few days of this very un-Southern like weather! We're between conference sessions, and I return tomorrow to go through the elaborate and exciting trade show -- I am praying my car starts!

The conference classes were superb, and we've made some new friends and support for the Arboretum. We've been focusing our efforts on 'sustainability' and after spending the majority of our time in classes and presentations along that line, we are encouraged with the direction we're headed. It's been very reinforcing...

I'll spend today doing chores and heading out to meet some friends for a painting session. It'll be nice and relaxing since the workweek has been mighty full.

I know the weather has so many folks shivering ... so I'm adding warm thoughts for everyone to keep safe and warm!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
BRRRRRRRRRRR!!! It's FREEZING outdoors and going to be worse tomorrow!

We made it to the conference and had a superb and relaxing dinner -- even got in a bit of a walk afterwards.

We're leaving for classes shortly, and I'm bundled in sweatshirt and down jacket - I hope the rooms are warm since the temps have really dipped into the 20s and falling.

We have no snow -- though I do wish if it were going to be this cold outside, we'd at least have a bit of the white stuff.

Be careful outside - and stay warm!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snowy Field and Weeds

Snowy Field and Weeds
Originally uploaded by linfrye
BRRR!!! I awoke to a car rimed in ice and hoarfrost on everything! Scrapping ice off one's car in the dark of early morning is NO way to begin a long day! LOL

I painted this a while back from the same image I used for the cold, midnight blue painting posted earlier - I wanted to try it again in warmer tones -- those sepias and umbers that I saw this morning amid the frost and ice. I thought it more fitting to post this painting this morning instead of the sketch I did last night.

Except that it was far darker when I left this morning-- this is what I saw driving in!

Today we leave for a conference for two days and another workday on Saturday .. so I"ll be away from the computer after this afternoon.

Stay warm everyone -- it's going to be mighty cold for the rest of the week!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dreaming of Roadsides

Dreaming of Roadsides
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

A good day yesterday -- busy, but without the intensity that makes one frazzled -- thank heavens!

This sketch began with a photo reference of rocks, then became motified as I focused on the trees ...does that ever happen to you? I abandoned the reference and even my own ideas, and let the 'sketch' lead where I was going ...... a different process for me ... with the 'control' I try to have pretty much out of the picture ....

This morning I can see some additions I could make, but I think I'll leave it as it is to remind me of last evening's PROCESS ... something to think about ....

We're in for a large cold snap and a bit of rain today. No snow in the forecast, and when I reached the B&B last night, I found a tulip in full bloom at Rebecca's ... I hope she remembers to cover it tonight!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Camellias in Gold Vase - Happy Birthday Mom!

My sweet mom turned 86 yesterday -- a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her ... and along with her basket of fruit and cookies (I wonder where I got my sweet tooth from??!!! LOL), these lush camellias .... for her love of plants.

The temps have fallen dramatically and it's going to be another busy week and work-filled weekend ...The conference should be fun though - all the greensmen in the area put on an incredible display of their newest plants, supplies and equipment. Though not a 'flower' show per se, the presentation of woody ornaments, blooming despite the season, will be a wonderful balm to the grey outdoors.

Have a super day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Door and Planter

Door and Planter
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

A long day yesterday -- but glad it went well and the students were cooperative --

It's rainy and foggy this morning -- and warm. C has his jam later this afternoon, so the house will be filled with music ...

I've a few errands to catch up on especially since I'll be out of town again next week at a conference ... so today, rest, work a bit and paint!

Hope you have a quiet Sunday too!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dreaming of Woodland Wildflowers

And Wishing I could be there today ...

Instead, I'm off to work and missing the skating birthday party for Nick -- sigh .. It'll be fun for the kids though - nothing like flying on wheels to the rhythm of song ....

It's gotten mighty cold here, though snowless, and I'm beginning to dream of warmer days and the colors of flowers ...

It'll be a late, long day for me, so I'll be off the computer until late tonight or tomorrow when I can check on all the incredible, inspirational artwork you so generously share ...

Have a warm, wonderful day -- and Happy 4th Birthday, Nick!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Tagged - 16 Things - Me in 1969

1. Here I am in 1969, newly married, sitting in our apartment in Bad Windsheim, Germany, my first trip overseas, and a yearlong stay that would forever shape my life

2. I have always loved the woodlands, and after living outside the Black Forest, in a small, rural, cobble-stoned, BEAUTIFUL, village in Germany, decided, that rural living was where my heart resided

3. I worked for several years in New York City for an leading advertising agency

4. I once applied for a job at Mad Magazine - but didn't get it because at that time they only hired males

5. I've written a book on Ferns, and had many articles and poetry published

6. I was invited to read my poetry at a poety reading

7. I am a trained ethnobotanist (someone who studies people/plant relationships)

8.My dh does most of the cooking

9. I LOVE fruit and cookies and anything sweet

10. I prefer doing to watching

11. I value creativity and kindness above all other virtues

12. I have been learning from books most of my life

13. I think books are an incredible gift and have a small library

14. I LOVE learning - and have enjoyed crochet, cross-stitch, crewel, sewing, soap-crafting (still do that), collage, needlework, and the like

15. I have written all my life

16. I believe life is an incredible blessing and tend to live, work, and play with intensity .....

And that's probably more than you ever wanted to know!! LOL


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

After three weeks without students on campus, classes began yesterday, and the parking lots, halls, rooms were overflowing with people and the kind of sound that vibrates with energy. And while I love all that activity, there's something to be said about the calm and slower-pace of far less crowded times on the campus.

I sketched these marigolds thinking of the seeds waiting to be planted by our students. In four short months, our greenhouses will be filled with color and scent ... and the thought cheers me ... though moving from a vision to fruition -- seed to flower -- reminds me that there's a 'tad' bit of work involved! LOL

Here's to dreaming of flowers!

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

Mercy, what a wind yesterday!!! There were several times I thought we'd all have to abandon the mobile unit and seek shelter!! Winds from 40 mph to 65 mph were clocked, and the water-logged pines under which we work, were clacking together and bending in two -- whew.

This morning, there are a limbs littering the parking lot and trails, and folks lost power in parts of the state, but thank heavens, we're all okay.

We left the office in a hurry last night -- the sky had turned a menancing black, purple and pink, and dark enough to be midnight -- my wee Prius I suppose is heavier than it looks, and made it to the much sturdier B&B in good shape -- and far earlier than I have all week.

I decided to sketch something a bit more cheerful, warmer, and DRYER -- since we've been having a ot of rain as well!

Radishes remind me that spring can't be too far off - and for us here at the Arboretum,we've already received our seeds for the spring plant sale.

Classes start today -- so we're in full 'run' mode!

Stay safe and warm ...!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Rocky Field

Rocky Field
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Yesterday turned out to be very busy, but at least not insane - thank heavens - but the intensity of the last two days has made me mighty tired this morning.

The field of rocks was painted in combination of a photo reference and the memory of the roadside fields I so love ...

I was looking over some of the paintings I've done lately (some not yet posted), and I'm noticing a fair amount of rocks in them. I don't have THAT many rocks in my local landscapes ... yet I still love how rocks and grasses seem to 'work' together.

The symbolism for rocks tends to go two ways: "... they may represent earthiness, sturdiness, stability, and a solid foundation. On the other hand they could represent physical obstacles, or difficulties which the dreamer may need to overcome" ...

The last two days were certainly challenging ... lol ...but the solidility and earthiness tends to ring true too ...

In any case ... rocks it is!

The wind is mighty strong this morning. Since our offices are in a mobile unit, we may have to find another location to work if things get too rough. We'll see ... meantime, have a great day!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Quiet Waters

Quiet Waters
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Unlike yesterday and probably today, this skech was done more from my mind and wish foro stillness and quiet than from the constant busyness and demands of yesterday. I began sketching this on Sunday and finished it late last night after a 12 hour day of back to back meetings, phone calls, and trying to find my desk under the paperwork.

Today is registration -- all morning, afternoon and evening .. so I'll be scarce again ... I'll get back to viewing your wonderful artwork once things settle a bit.

It's raining and gloomy ... good thing there's coffee!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Snow at Sunrise

Snow at Sunrise
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Back to the routine today and a super-busy week. I'll be tied up in professional development all day and an instructor's meeting this evening, so computer time will be scarce ... ah, retirment seems so far away!

This scene is based on a photo of a snowy sunrise. It's 9" x 12" and I used Bombay India Ink for the snow on the trees. (I haven't found another ink that works as well - Bombay is thick enough to remain white on the absorbant cp paper). I added bits of fine glitter too to enhance some of the crystaline properties I wanted. There's more glitter on the original than can be seen in the scan.

I hope everyone has a great day! I will be missing the leisure I"ve had to paint and think and walk and dream .. I'll be back to sketching until there's more time --

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Apulia, Italy - Thank YOU, Gianfranco

I awoke this morning to the sound of rain on the skylights and banging chairs on the porch from the kitties' play jumping on and off the rocking chairs ... ah, the sounds of LIFE!! The cats let me know when they're up and ready to be fed! LOL

It's warmed up somewhat, and the rain will be restive today - the last day of the holidays --- so I was really glad to see it ...

Still, after so much cold and now with the rain, my thoughts turn, as usual, to sunny Italy.

My friend, Gianfranco, offered me the incredible opportunity to paint from one of his awesome photographs. I chose this one from Apulia (see Gianfranco's glorious work - ...
And I hope I've done your vision justice, my friend!

Thank YOU, Gianfranco for allowing me the use of your photo -- and more, for transporting me to the land of my dreams ....!

Blogger Award!

Blogger Award!
Originally uploaded by linfrye
A little more than six years ago, I began my visual art journey thru the medium of collage - and in so doing, met a wonderful friend - Wezz - from Belgium.

As part of my collaging experience, I fell head over heels in love with decorative paper napkins as a collage element - I love them for some of the most incredible artwork and, once placed and glued, their translucency (yes, I NOW see where it lead me!! LOL) Wezz and I probably exchanged a TON of GORGEOUS napkins over the years ... (I still have them --and still LOVE them!!! LOL)

When I moved from collage to sketching and watercolor and Wezz moved on to jewelry making, Wezz and I kept in touch only periodically - but ran into one another again through this incredible Internet web ...!

Wezz was given this award for her wonderful blog ( and she most generously passed the award to me!

So I'd like to say, THANk YOU, WEZZ!!!

And keep blogging!!!

I am supposed to pass this award to five other folks, but have the darndest time choosing only five -- so I'd like to award it to those on my blogroll ( and my contacts at Flickr, and thank each of you for being some of the most CREATIVE folks in the world!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Oxford Field on a Gray Morning

Rain, cold, overcast, gloomy -- what a day to take Mom to the airport for her return trip to Florida. The gloom matched my mood, though, and as we passed this neighborhood field, I snapped a photo to paint -- the scuttling clouds, damp field, forlorn looking haybales - yep, sure felt like me!

Mom got home safely and by late yesterday afternoon, the sun was breaking through the clouds and my mood lifted somewhat - despite the echo in the house!

Today begins the 'getting ready for normal' again - laundry, packing bags, readying meals for the week. January is especially crammed with work obligations -- I'll be teaching on two weekends and will have to miss my grandson's 4th birthday, I'm out of town for a conference, then out of town again for my grandchild's birth. So today, in preparation of all those running arounds, I"m grounding myself at home, doing a few chores, and spending some time painting. January promises to be a time-challenged month!!

Thank you all too for your comments yesterday. I must admit that I have a lot to learn about art and abstracts I truly appreciate your words!

Friday, January 02, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
I was sitting at my computer the other morning, and when I glanced out my window--the sky was an absolute purple/pink of sunrise .... the colors portending the rain that followed.

The intense purple display didn't last 5 minutes, but enough time for me to grab my camera and snap some photos.

I began this sketching attempt by trying for a bit more realism; however, with all the company, obligations and holiday hoopla, I hurried the painting process and wound up with a more 'abstract' look ....

I cropped the image below, and I think I like the crop better-- though I"m not at all sure I like the sketch at all Still after a few days of it 'sitting', it's growing on me ....

Yesterday's festivities were mighty busy -- company, grands, cooking, the last full day of Mom's visit, packing, and the lke. We take Mom to the airport this morning. Knowing myself as I do, it'll be a let down to a wonderful holiday, two weeks off, and a return to a very quiet household. I've promised myself some intense painting time! LOL

The frigid cold weather kept Emily and Nick indoors for their visit, and they missed riding their bikes. Still, Emily and I played 'make-up' ... I haven't worn ANY make-up in years and years -- she 'glamorized' my eyes with red blush, and I sported pink AND purple nailplish - much the colors above -- mercy! My Mom was in hysterics! Nick lead us on a safari using a local map, backpacks, and clothes hanger 'shooters' to bag the polar bears (throw rug) for Charles to cook for dinner ... what a hoot! And what wonderful imaginations!

Stay warm everyone -- and once again, thank you for your most incredible support and comments yesterday!


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Full version of the sunrise -- that deep purple tree bothers me so I cropped it out ...

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Dawn is breaking clear, crisp and cold this morning. I awoke to an NPR interview with President Elect Obama and a discussion of his support of the arts. The kitties were eagerly awaiting their breakfast and all were so cheerful and filled with antics, even at 6:30 am .... It's the New Year!!!

We celebrated last night with Mom, C, Emily and Nick --- they helped us prepare some chese and crackers (they told me later they preferred 'their own' foods! LOL), a glass of sparkling white grape juice, and a bit of cartoons. When the grands fell asleep, we brought in the New Year watching the ball drop at Times Square -- a quiet time for us - but good - the warmth of our home and family keeping out the cold night.

This morning, with 'hope' in the air, eagerness for positive changes in the world, I thought poppies would be fitting -- their red, to me, symbolizing energy and joy -- and all my best wishes for a glorious, joyous, prosperous, creative 2009 for you and yours!

We didn't 'pop' any sparklers or fireworks-- our celebrations are a tad quieter - but I think the reds here, the 'poppies' are my own exuberant celebration of hope, love, joy, and peace.

HAPPY 2009!!!