Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Trees on Masa

Fall Trees on Masa
Originally uploaded by linfrye
9" x 12"
Arches 140#CP
Masa Paper

We've been visiting some festivals and traveling the foothills of North Carolina enjoying the incredibly glorious weather! Temps in the 70s (cool for me!) sunshine, blue skies, and the changing colors of the hills and valleys. Though I learned to 'toss' paint (splatter) from Karlyn Holman several years ago, I wanted to apply that technique to masa. Since the initial washes are painted on Masa while the paper is soaking wet, doing so caused the colors to merge differently than on dry paper ... I enjoyed the difference in method and really love how masa adds a challenge as well as different look to similiar methods of painting.

The trees along the NC/VA border are more muted than this painting, but here and there, when we turn one of those many switchbacks or gaze over the valleys to the mountains, we were struck by the colors that can be seen. Oaks are turning wine red, tulip poplars, sycamore and the like are moving from yellow to gold, and the numbers of acorns we found on some of our walks predict a mighty cold, hard winter!

We visited the Horne Creek Farm Corn Shucking Festival yesterday. The gates opened at 10 am and by 10:20 am when we arrived, the parking lot was almost filled and folks were parking anywhere they could find a space. History came to life as volunteers rendered sorghum into molasses, natural plants into dyes, corn cobs into kernals. Music and dancing, food, including old Southern apples (drying, frying, being made into cider and apple butter) and sweet potato pies, brought the farmstead to life. Horse and wagon rides, pumpkins and hay bales, colorful woodlands, flowing creeks, and tons of children seemed to make the day 'fall festive.' I don't know that I have seen a small festival so extraordinarily well attended! Fun!

C revisited the 'jam' group we had met a few months ago when we came up this way for a vacation ... even then, they seemed like old friends. In the town, one of the retired teachers held a small art show for some of her students, and the community all pitched in for the reception. Each artist - hobbiest, professional - from oil to photography to acryllic to sculpture - won a trophy.

I do LOVE small town living!

I've painted a bit from the car, as well one can on winding roads, and just enjoyed the relaxing scenery and time away.

I hope the rest of your weekend is grand!


Lorraine said...

Gorgeous and Glowing Lin!! I love how the Masa works for trees and brush -- and you seem to have a knack with it that I can't achieve. Thank you for sharing this and for the "review" of the festival. I'm hungry and pining for Vermont now though.
Big hugs,

annie said...

So beautiful, Lin. The colors are as Glowing as Lorraine says. And those trunks....those trunks are so full of texture. I love seeing them enlarged on flickr.


Teri said...

It is so beautiful and glowing. I love when you try new things.

Joan said...

I am just LOVING your paintings on masa!!! This is gorgeous!!!!

Enjoy your day!