Monday, January 11, 2021

Sketchbook Journal - Oranges - 2

Sketchbook Journal -- I redid my journal page of Orange - I wanted to compare my spontaneous Orange page (done on 60# not watercolor paper) to the one I did with more planning in my Kilimanjaro 140# CP travel journal.
I'm not sure which I like better ... the quick one in my writing journal feels more spontaneous to me, but the one in my sketchbook journal feels more polished (wish I had enlarged the title though) ... do you have a preference?



Lisa at Greenbow said...

I like the first one best, boo boos and all.

Debbie Nolan said...

Lin I went back and read your first Orange page. Both are wonderful. Very hard to choose which one I prefer. Always fun to explore the same subject several ways. Hope you have a blessed day. Hugs!

Joan Tavolott said...

I like this one but it seems too composed compared to the other one which seems more spontaneous. Both are really nice and so different from each other. Are you going to continue with the travel journal? I get frustrated when I put a lot of work into a sketch that isn't done on better quality paper. LOL But I continue doing it anyway.

Sketchbook Wandering said...

I most definitely like the first one better! I like the layout in the first and some of the elements. Often in my sketches re-do's aren't my preferences, and yet it's something I have to do sometimes.