Friday, January 29, 2021

Sketchbook Journal - Seashells with Beach

It took me quite a while to finished this 'tip in' ... At first, I painted a regular watercolor 'beach view' - but when I placed it on the page -- that full watercolor - all blues and browns - contrasted so much with this line-ish sketch and open space, that it took me a while to find a style that fit in with the other elements of the page without taking away from the main subject - seashells.  I used an Elegant Writer pen (with soluble ink) and added just dashes of color to coordinate with the seashells.  I think it works ... 



Lisa at Greenbow said...

Yes, it definitely works. I am glad you filled that space and with the perfect filler.

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Yay! The more complex layouts do require some strategies...The beach! We are immersed in winter here...I did sketch at a local beach, but how different from your scene!