Though work this week was busy with late night meetings and a wreath-making workshop that lasted until after 10:00 pm, I sketched this church steeple twice from a photograph we took in Caltagirone, Sicily this May. It was my first attempt at an architectural piece and the perspective gave me a fit! The watercolor addition seemed to camouflage some of the errors .. and I like the results nonetheless.
Lin, architectural features stand out by the use of shadows, mainly. But if the whole side of the building is in shadow or in full sunlight, then you don't have cast shadows. This is one reason that photographers like late afternoon cross-light because it "rakes" across forms, revealing their relief. It's not the fault of the drawing, it's likely the source you're using. Now, once you've made your outline of a drawing, there's no need to use the lighting you see in the picture. If you can imagine a different sun position you can paint it accordingly. For example, if the pillars on one side were painted a warm orange and they cast purple shadows, you'd have quite a bit of relief. Use your imagination to put the sun where you want it to be.
Hi Lin;
That is a great painting! I like the comment that Karen made about the use of shadows for giving depth to anything. That is something I'm still learning about too.
I bet years from now just looking at this painting will bring back memories of your trip. Beautiful!
I think you did a great job with this Lin and as Bonny said, it will bring back memories just be looking at it. I like the journal-like appeal of sketches like this. :o)
Great drawing Lin.
Drawing buildings gives me fits too. And I refuse to use a ruler to make straight lines! But the color and style of this is fun and has personality. Good memories.
What a great memory you have created. I like the watercoloring- that really completes the building look.
Architecture is one of the hardest things to draw, in my opinion. Karen offers very good advice, though! This is lovely, and it surely brought back many good memories.
I like buildings that are drawn freehand and that have some wobbles along the linear path... they are just so much more interesting than real technical drafting types of sketches with perfect proportions and straight lines. You did a nice job with this one! I hope you do more!
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