After three days of my week's vacation spent cooking in preparation for Christmas (lasagna, pasta sauce, snowflakes (rosette cookies), cream puffs, apricot nut bread, shopping, wrapping gifts, mailing presents to far-flung relatives, I took a bit of time to catch my breath and return to sketching.
The candle ring is an old candle holder I've had for years and one I pull out each Christmas. The lamp sits in my kitchen bathroom ready for use when we lose electricity (quite frequently during hurricane and ice seasons). I used a pen to sketch both - but it took three attempts for the oil lamp before I came close to the proper proportions - and the globe is still a bit too short for the base -- SIGH! I also tried using some liquid watercolors (I had been using pans)-- I need much more practice with these!
I've been reading about watercolors and using different techniques, and though I thought I had 'gotten it'... I can truly see that it's time to put the book down and put theory to PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!
Lin, you are developing a wonderful fluidity in your drawing, which is particularly evident in the candle and holder. You also did a great job with the glass in the lamp! You've improved out of sight in the last little while...keep drawing!!...something has clicked into place and it's all beginning to come together nicely.
Lin, Great drawings, I think the lamp is fabulous.
these drawings are wonderful. Excellent work.
Lin; I think I have almost the same candle holder - the wreath part anyway. I put mine in the centre of a brass candle holder that holds four candles. That would be really hard to draw!! Imagine getting 4 candle holders into perspective!
Happy Holidays!
This is a really nice drawing, I love all the colors in the wreath especially.
Lin, your watercolors are coming along nicely. You will develop your own signature watercolor style as you keep experimenting with them. Enjoy the holidays!
Your sketching is coming along very nicely. It's easy to see you're having fun with it, too. :)
I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2006.
Lovely! Merry christmas to you
I can tell you were happy when you drew these--they are lovely.
Happy Christmas to you!
I see you loosening up ... finding your own style in this (comparatively) new medium for you. Progression has been great...
Love and hugs........
These are really nice; I love the colors in the candle ring. Merry Christmas!
Lin, these are really lovely! Great work! Hope your holidays are wonderful!
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