After spending the majority of the weekend in the kitchen rendering persimmons into fruitcake, bread, jam, dried slices, and eating many out of hand, and then cleaning the house stem to stern because our housekeeper didn't show up, and after FINALLY putting up some holiday decorations, I found this image of the holidays I really want to try to sketch.
I just love the combination of greens and candles, and in between chores and returning to work, I'd add a bit here, do a wash there -- and I really had time to let it dry between stages (always a good thing!!) LOL
Also, I was beginning to miss my 'typical' detailed style, and a number of dear friends said they were too, so I decided to try doing BOTH ... and yep -- I really like the combination! I see where I wish I had done the background FIRST, so I could have left the candles whiter ... but I really like the bits of looseness combined with a bit of detail....
What I"m learning as I've been attempting all this 'looseness' is really how to work better with wet-in-wet instead of solely depending upon my typical wet on dry methods. And what I'm learning too ... is how to COMBINE them and use each in different treatments of various subjects or even in the same painting.
Mercy ... learning is really a lot of work as well as addictive! LOL
Lin, your Holiday candle set up came out great! You have so many beautiful items in this shot! I am so proud of you and tickled too to see all you are learning and enjoying with the process of this art form!!! It is really awesome!Hugs,Patti
BEAUTIFULLY DONE! Looks like watercolors are becoming your thing of beauty. I envy you and your learning to use waterclors.
You seem to have a natural knack for it.
I absolutely love this one!! Gorgeumentous! The composition and combination of loose and detailed is wonderful. This could be your holiday card next year.
Beautiful Lin - love the greens and each needle on the branch
Beautiful. I love your style!
Simply perfect!! It is so much fun to see you merging styles -- I have a feeling you're going to be delving more into this loose/detail style. Very nice piece!!
Oh this is so pretty....I just love seeing the holiday centerpieces...I love the soft look from the watercolors. Great work!
NICE work as usual...could use that in my house.,,,could you send it south???:>
I agree with Teri, this would make a terrific Christmas card for next year. Delightfully done and a great combination of all you have been doing.
oooh Lin, I just enjoy your blog so much :) I have really been impressed by the subject matter you take on for your paintings. You seem to not be intimidated by anything! Good for you! And I agree with Teri- this would make a great Christmas card.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me those nice comments- they were a real pick me up.
Your watercolor skills are just getting better and better. The ornaments and the way they lie in the greens -- superb.
This is glowing Lin. Yes, I love the combined styles too. Greenery and candles...nothing nicer for a Yuletime display and you've depicted them beautifully here. :o)
This is so pretty and I think you're doing a wonderful job of mastering the different techniques of watercolor and using them when you need them. I still don't know how you do it all though! What you said about learning being addictive is interesting. A co-worker brought in an article about just that--the "ping" that happens when we learn something and how it creates the release of endorphins (or was it serotonin?). Anyway, it's an actual physical response that can be addictive, but in a good way, don't you think? And watercolor supplies an endless source of pings (and their opposite sometimes!)
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