Saturday, July 26, 2008

University of VA - Walled Garden

Prior to visiting Monticello, we took a side trip to the University of Virigina to see the gardens Jefferson designed for the University he founded.

These gardens, masculine in design, formal, geometric and bordering two sides of of the Great Lawn, are enclosed by an undulating brick wall. Individual gardens can be entered through attractively designed gates or from the residence/building to which it is attached.

There were flowers in many of these gardens, many more filled with huge old trees and lots of shade. In total, I think there were less than 2 dozen gardens, some larger than the others. What struck us most was the incredibly INGENIOUS use of the space within the enclosed walls. Whether the land had a deep slope, was flat, or rose in small inclines, the garden design made excellent use of all of the specific features of the land. Pathways curved and wove around the property so that there was a feeling of 'expansiveness' even if the space was actually very small.

In this map ( look toward the Rotunda ... if you enlarge the map you can see many of the pathways around each garden.

As we continue studying ways to best use the space for the Arboretum gardens, Jefferson will certainly play a role in helping us make the best use of our own space.

Emily and Nick come today so computer time will be limited. Arby is certainly keeping us entertained -- while we try to 'train' her to NOT climb the curtains -- SIGH!


Anonymous said...

I just love hearing about your trip. Monticello is a place I always wanted to visit just from reading about it in a cat mystery novel by Rita Mae Brown and her cat Sneaky Pie Brown!! Beautiful painting too by the way!

Teri said...

Beautiful painting Lin and sounds like a wonderful place.

Deb said...

Your blog is always fun to visit...and I love your VA pieces. Looking forward to more.