Sunday, January 13, 2013


Sailing by linfrye
Sailing, a photo by linfrye on Flickr.

15" x 22" Watercolor
Arches 140#CP

With temperatures in the 70s and the days feeling more like summer than the middle of January, I thought it fitting to post this painting I did for my son as another Christmas gift. When we lived in Charleston, SC, the Atlantic Ocean was our playground and beach excursions, fishing and sailing were part of our daily lives. Mike took to sailing like the proverbial duck to water, and even today he loves anything to do with boats and water.

It's been a busy month with birthday celebrations - this weekend we celebrated my grandson's 8th birthday! In a few weeks, we'll celebrate my daughter-in-law's birthday - followed by the rest of our family members in February. From December through March, it's a gift-giving celebration of family!

Our unseasonal warm spell is scheduled to end next week, but my iris, already 3" tall, as well as the fruit trees and other flora that have been tricked into an early blooming, will all be challenged to live through the roller coaster extremes this year. And that includes us ... as we try to remain healthy in such changing times.

Hope your Sunday is wonderful!


Lise Steenerson said...

this is gorgeous Lin!!!
Makes me feel like sailing into the sunset

Joan Tavolott said...

Lovely sunset...great colors!!

I saw below that it was your mom's birthday. Please wish her a Happy Birthday from me.

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Lin - this is beautiful. I am sure the ocean would be great inspiration. Love the glow you caught in this painting as well.