We have spent the last 2 1/2 days painting the master bath and bedrooms, turning the walls from white to "Belgium Waffle" - a creamy, yellow/ecru - warm and sunshiny! (I've added a small photo of the bedroom wall, but in the daylight, the color is a bit more yellow.)
We added new curtains, bedspread, shower curtain, throw rugs, rearranged the artwork, thoroughly cleaned both rooms, dressers, bureau tops, book cases. I am reminded of all those cultures I studied in Anthropology where the 'old year' was finished by thoroughly cleaning the dwelling so that the new year could be greeted in a clean home. We did that this year, and I feel ready for 2006!
A few art resolutions for 2006:
* Sketch more and write more on the same page!
* Learn to make my sketches more relaxed, loose and joy-filled insteadof stiffly perfection-
* Sketch more of nature
* Sketch more quickly
I've been reviewing my sketch journal since I began sketching six months ago - and mercy, I do believe I've improved! I may have a long way to go to reach the goals I've set, but compared to my lopsided stick figures when I began, I'm encouraged to keep sketching.
Thank you friends for your encouragement and your kind comments! May 2006 be a most wonderfully creative, prosperous, joy-filled year for us all!