We awoke to another FANTABULOUS breakfast: yogurt and figs, waffles, home-made pull-apart sweet rolls, coffee! I quickly tried to sketch a 'looking down upon' perspective of my china coffee cup -- sure came out wockedy! But the idea is there -- an angled, flowered cup and deep saucer -- JUST NOT ENOUGH TIME! LOL
As we were packing our things, I quickly sketched some of the apothecary items that were in the room we stayed: "The Doctor's Room" -- so named for the bottles and remedies and bowl of old prescription forms -- long expired.
After a long goodbye, we headed out to enjoy a dinner with a friend I met on line -- a fellow Sicilian whose artwork I admire: Kathleen Gwinnett. Her husband, Charlie had made hand-made gnocchi with tomato sauce, salad, bread -- followed by divine coffee and a luscious ricotta sponge cake confection! YUM!! Kathleen and I could have chatted all night -- !! So much to talk about - Sicily, ancestors, growing up, art, what's going on around the area -- what a joy-filled couple -- I so look forward to getting to know them better!
I know all good things come to an end, and our celebration of our anniversary couldn't have been more fun, filled with tremendous food, friends, activities and even a bit of sketching!
I am ever so grateful to have had these days with Charles and to have had such a wonderful, wonderful time! Here's to another 14 years filled with as much joy and gratitude!
Lin, your wedding photo, experience of your celebration, foods and drawings are all wonderful! I am so glad that you had a super time and enjoyed eachother along with all the other people and fun!!! Hugs to you!!!
Ha! Blooger is speaking with me again! Finally I could read your blog. I'm glad that you had such good times and even found time for some drawings.
WOW! Super sketches and in such short, snatched moments! Thank you for sharing your weekend with us. You sure don't take life for granted :)!
Lin, it does sound like the perfect weekend!! It makes me happy to see such happiness. Love the sketches too!
Well, I still have to sign in as Anonymous instead of me but at least I can respond to your magnificent weekend. What a wonderful meeting with your fellow artist and Sicilian. And more fantastic food.
The coffee cup and saucer are so delicate.
Love them!
What an absolutely wonderful few days!! I'm so happy you and C had this time, these places and these new friends!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, your "online family."
Great sketches too! I hope you took photos to work from later.
Lin sounds as if you had a wonderful week end, and enjoyed every minute of it, what a way to make the most of it all. Love the sketches.
Lin, thanks for sharing your wonderful adventure with all of us. The sketches were great and help us to freeze the memories. With so many things happening so quickly I think when we stop to draw them it makes it not only more vivid but helps imprint it forever.
Congratulations on your years together and planning and enjoying what sounds like a perfect weekend. I love your drawings of the apothecary bottles--what fun and how clever to make that the room's theme.
Beautiful apothecary stuff here, Lin. Truly some of the best work i've seen on your blog. And i loved reading about your weekend, lucky girl.
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