Art in the Carolinas is one of those conferences, workshops, vendor sales events that is, though small, a TON of fun.
I arrived early at the conference and spent an hour or so in the vendor room -- TONS of great prices, demonstrations -- but I was good and kept my credit card in my pocket (for the most part!). Then I met my dear friend Lorraine after her morning class. Such a joy to see her after three years! We had a quick lunch and catch-up and then I dashed off to my own class with Betsy Stroud, and Lorraine did the vendor tour.
The class with Betsy was not what I had expected. The title "Mixed Media: Line and Watercolor" and even the description, implied, at least to my reading (oh be careful how you read into things, Lin!!) that I'd have a chance to see watercolor and ink used in some way .... well, not exactly. After demonstrating over an hour -- actually Betsy doing a painting with oil pastels, pencil, watercolor, stamps, etc. (at which time restless me decided to sketch as I watched -- a bit distractedly) I did my own sketch. I was very disappointed to spend more than 1/3 of the time allotted to the workshop simply WATCHING!
After the demo, we were set to 'play' with the materials -- most provided. I tried some Sennelier paints, which were rich and thick on hot press paper -- experimented with some Cretacolor Aquarellith grey pencil (yummy when used on wet) and some very hard, difficult to dissolve Aquamonolith pencils. Betsy's painting was very experimental -- playful -- abstract. I tried to do my 'usual' using these different materials. It didn't work out very well .. and so I finished my distractedly sketch image with my WN watercolors when I got home.
So workshop #1 was a bit disappointing for me. I hope today's will be more what I "THINK" it will be ... Meantime, I'll be working to set aside my expectations to simply enjoy the opportunities.
Lorraine and I have class tonight from 5:00-8:00pm so it'll be a late night. Today, we visit the Art Museum and Art Space -- two wonderful places to see more art -- and we have HOURS to chat and catch up -- and get in a sketch or two.
The image I sketched from is the hotel C and I stayed -- Villa Tasca -- in Caltagirone. I don't like how it came out -- so I'll probably attempt this one again.